  • 期刊

A Case of Small-Cell Lung Cancer with Simultaneous Active Multidrug-Resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis



Coexistence of pulmonary tuberculosis and small-cell lung cancer is uncommon. We encountered a 76-year-old male patient with an initial presentation of chest tightness and palpitation for 1 day. Chest radiography revealed a mass lesion in the right upper lung. Chest computed tomography (CT) showed a soft tissue mass at the right upper lobe and patchy infiltration in the left upper lung. Pulmonary tuberculosis was verified by positive sputum acid-fast stain and tuberculosis polymerase chain reaction, and drug sensitivity test showed multidrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis. Small-cell lung cancer was diagnosed by the pathology of the CT-guided biopsy. We reviewed related articles in the literature and discuss the relationship between lung cancer and pulmonary tuberculosis.


肺小細胞癌同時併發活動性多重抗藥性肺結核並不常見。我們提出一位76 歲男性因胸悶與心悸1 天前來求診。胸部X 光顯示在病人的右上肺葉有一腫塊。胸部電腦斷層發現在右上肺葉有一軟組織腫塊,而在左上肺葉有斑塊狀浸潤。痰液的抗酸性染色為陽性,結核聚合酶鏈鎖反應亦為陽性,痰液結核菌培養的藥物敏感性試驗顯示為多重抗藥性肺結核。而肺小細胞癌也藉由電腦斷層導引切片而確診。我們回顧過去文獻並同時探討肺癌與活動性多重抗藥性肺結核之間的關係。
