  • 期刊


A Hybrid Clustering Approach for Identifying the Position and Role on Patent Infringement Litigation Network by Evidence from Smart Phone Companies




How to make strategic decision on competitive relation of patent infringement litigation? How to recognize the position and role on patent infringement litigation network? These are important issues of management. This article brings out a systematic analytic process on the patent infringement litigation network of smart phone as an example. First, the sample contains 56 companies after selecting based on Screen Test. Companies' litigation relations construct a directed litigation relation network. In-degree centrality, out-degree centrality and eigenvector centrality of network are converted into two variables of activeness and passiveness by Principal Component Analysis. Two-stage Cluster analysis contains the first stage that decides the cluster counts is 4 by 1-way MANOVA and Variance Ratio Criteria and the second stage that classifies companies into 4 clusters by activeness and passiveness as cluster variables of K-means analysis and tests significance of these 4 positions by MANOVA. In addition, this research builds an indicator for significant test of litigation frequency by Frequency within Position and Frequency between Positions. Finally, the role of each position is labelled by the paths among these 4 positions and the common characters of companies within each position.


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