  • 期刊


Application of Industrial Engineering Concepts and Techniques to Ambient Intelligence


情境智能(ambient intelligence, AmI)是對未來環境的一個願景-環境以不突兀的、相互聯結的、適應性強的、動態的、嵌入的和智慧的方式支援活動於其中的人們。在過去,情境智能的研究人員主要來自資訊工程、電機工程和醫學背景。然而,工業工程(industrial engineering, IE)的概念和技術對於情境智能產業的可持續發展至關重要。此外,台灣也有一些公司所生產之產品可以支持情境智能。眾所周知的是-工業工程師是工廠的醫生。因此,工業工程師對於情境智能產也很重要。基於這些理由,本研究探討工業工程概念與技術於情境智能之應用。


Ambient intelligence (AmI) is a future vision in which an environment supports the people inhabiting it in an unobtrusive, interconnected, adaptable, dynamic, embedded, and intelligent way. In the past, most AmI research has been conducted by experts with backgrounds in information engineering, electrical engineering, information management, and medicine, rather than in industrial engineering. In addition, there are also a number of companies in Taiwan that are making products to support ambient intelligence. It is well-known that industrial engineers are the doctor of factories, so industrial engineers are also important to the AmI industry. Based on these reasons, this study discusses the applications of industrial engineering concepts and techniques to AmI.


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