  • 學位論文


Design and Application of Business Intelligence System

指導教授 : 皮世明


網際網路革命性的興起,造成人們每天必須面對龐大資訊,因此,如何加以應用,做成好的決策,是現今人們所面臨的問題。為了快速掌握資訊,過濾不相關資訊,改善資訊搜集與分析的過程,對企業提供重要的資訊並改善決策績效已成為資訊時代企業之重要存亡之關鍵,商業智慧 (Bussiness Intelligence, BI) 在此情況下運蘊而生。 商業智慧的重要性無庸置疑,但是對於商業智慧的意義及商業智慧系統整體性的架構及應用元件,各家說法各有不同,在認知上亦存在許多差異,有些人甚至認為建立一個資料倉儲就是導入了商業智慧系統,因此如何對商業智慧、商業智慧系統有清楚而明確之定義及探究乃是本研究首要的研究動機。其次,面對電子商務時代的來臨,許多行業正面臨衝擊及挑戰,而商業智慧概念的出現,更引發新一波的革命,面對如此熱門的議題,到底商業智慧帶給企業有那些好處,各企業的特性所應用商業智慧也應該有不同,因此企業在設計及應用商業智慧系統應如何進行,乃本研究的第二個動機。本研究首先透過經由文獻探討回顧中,檢視商業智慧意義、商業智慧系統意義及商業智慧系統包括的元件。其次,提出商業智慧系統之規劃架構,並利用商業智慧系統架構(包含商業智慧系統元件),以建構本研究之研究應用環境。最後,以某機車製造商為例,應用本研究之商業智慧系統應用環境,以探討其模型適用情形。 研究結果顯示,本研究所提出之模型不僅提供個案公司一個導入商業智慧系統之參考架構,並且能有效結合其外部資料庫之系統,以提供公司更為有效之決策參考。 關鍵字:商業智慧系統,系統導入,資料探勘,線上分析處理(OLAP),客戶關係管理


People deal with tremendous amount of information in their daily lives due to the revolutionary coming of the Internet. Therefore, how to make decisions efficiently and effectively by using the information gathered turns to an important issue. Business intelligence (BI) comes to live because that collecting information quickly, filtering irrelevant information, improving the process of acquiring and analyzing information and making decisions effectively have become the crucial keys to success for enterprises in the information age. There is no doubt about the importance of business intelligence, but there are various theories about the meaning of business intelligence and the configuration and components of business intelligence systems. Among these theories, some may have different perceptions, and some even think that to build a data warehouse is to Implement a business intelligence system. The major objective of this study is to clarify the definition of business intelligence and business intelligence systems. Furthermore, many enterprises are facing impact and challenges in the age of electronic commerce and the concepts of business intelligence happened to introduce a new wave of revolution. Since business intelligence is such a popular topic, how enterprises can benefit from business intelligence and how enterprises should apply business intelligence according to their characteristics are other objectives of this study. By reviewing papers on this subject, this study looks into the definition of business intelligence and business intelligence systems in addition to identifying the components of business intelligence systems. Moreover, this study proposes a framework for business intelligence systems and applies this framework (including business intelligence systems components) to construct the research environment. Finally, this study chooses a certain motorcycles manufacturer to apply the framework proposed and finds out how well the framework fit in a real life case. The model this study provides is not only a useful sample for companies to apply business intelligence systems and to combine with legacy data base systems, but also a reference for enterprises to be more effective in decision-making process. Keywords: business intelligence systems, system Implement, data mining, OLAP, CRM


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