  • 期刊


Manpower and Facilities Distribution in Radiation Oncology-The Evaluation in Taiwan Area


設備分佈不均,人力之培養缺乏重點,常導致癌症病患無法接受到方便又高品質之放射治療。本文將針對設備及人力兩方面,概略性地評估臺灣地區放射腫瘤的現況。在臺灣地區,目前設有放射腫瘤科的醫院有28家。共有醫用高能直線加速器29部,鈷六十遠隔治療機25部,專科醫師77位;在16個縣市中,上前仍有8個縣市無任何放射治療的設備。有關其他各項人力資源設備分佈,文內有詳述。 由于有關臺灣地區癌症之流行病學統計資料相當不全,根據這些資料,并無法準确地評估臺灣地區放射腫瘤所需之人力與設備。本文當試引用文獻上有關美國、加拿大的資料并與現有之資料相比較,來加以分析與評估。


放射腫瘤 人力 設備


An uneven distribution of facilities and manpower in Taiwan contributed to the diverse standards among departments of radiation oncology. Cancer patients in various locations cannot receive convenience and quality treatment due to either improper facilities and lack of well- trained oncology staff. This article is to focus on the facilities and manpower evaluation of the current situation in Taiwan. Presently, there are 28 hospitals which have radiation oncology department with a total of 29 high energy linear accelerators and 25 Co-60 machines around the island. There are 77 certified radiation oncologists servicing a population of 20 millions. Currently, there are eight out of 16 counties that do not have radiotherapy service. The distribution of machines and manpower and other related figures will be discussed in the context. Due to the deficiency of epidemiological data on cancer incidence in Taiwan, we are unable to precisely project the required manpower and facilities needed. However, we can evaluate the current situation and the future requirement by comparing the data from the USA and Canada.


Radiation oncology manpower facilities
