  • 期刊


Computed Tomography Simulation Image Quality and Noise Measurement


目的:為确保電腦斷層模擬攝影機影像的空間解析度,對比解析度及雜訊程度,以達到積确放射治療的標準。 材料與方法:使用Elscint HeliCAT II電腦斷層模擬攝影機、標準頭部及身體假體來做電腦斷層影像解析度及雜訊的量測。空間解析度使用標準頭部假體多層針狀層中七列不同半徑的橫排孔洞,及經過機器掃描後得出的影像參數與標準值作比較。對比解析度使用頭部假體多層針狀層中五個不同材質量測電腦斷層掃描值與準標值作比。雜讀乃是使用頭部及身體假體,利用電腦斷層掃描儀上的功能鍵測出標準偏差,經過運算得到之值,是否落於標準範圍內。 結果:空間解析度的誤差在0.8mm以內,對此解析度誤差除鐵氟龍以外CT誤差值在18以內,而雜訊的量測經過計算所得之CT值在3%以內。 結論:根據量測所得數據,顯示此部電腦斷層掃描儀的空間解析度、對比解析度及雜訊在標準值之內並合於精準放射治療之用。若要保證此部機器的品質需要定期的測試與校正。


Purpose: To measure and evaluate the spatial resolution, contrast resolution and noise of computed tomography simulation image in order to meet the requirement of precision radiation therapy. Materials and methods: Elscint HeliCAT Ⅱ CT scanner head and body phantom were used to measure and evaluate the image quality of computed tomography simulator. We used the head phantom includes seven rows of different diameter perspex layer (multipin layer) to do the spatial resolution comparisons, and another five different material layer of this head phantom were also used to do the contrast resolution comparisons. The noise was used the head and body phantom through the ”ROI” function key to find its percentage errors in order to meet the requirement of precision radiation therapy. Conclusions: The quality assurance procedure of this computed tomography simulation imaging system had been setup before formally using. It all met the requirement of precision radiation therapy. To assure the image quality, it also needs measurement periodically.
