  • 期刊

Metaplastic Carcinoma of the Breast: One Case Report and Literature Review



轉形性上皮癌之乳癌在乳房腫瘤病例上很少見。一位41歲女性乳癌病患,初期診斷為浸潤性乳管癌,經腫瘤切除,同時做皮瓣轉移重建術,及腋下淋巴結摘除(pT2N1M0),九個淋巴結中有一個轉移,黃體素受體及雌激素受體均為陰性;術後經六療程Taxetere化學治療、荷爾蒙治療及放射線治療(2 Gy/fr.,50 Gy)後,定時門診追蹤;但於手術後二十個月,於手術疤痕上緣發現腫瘤復發,經腫瘤切除,病理診斷為轉形性上皮癌;一個月後,發現肺部轉移,六個療程(Taxol + Navelbine)化學治療後,仍發現腦部及骨頭轉移;從診斷為乳癌至死亡,期間僅二十六個月。我們報告此一罕見病例並針對轉形性乳癌做一文獻回顧及整理。


Metaplastic carcinoma is a rare form of breast carcinoma. Herein we reported a breast cancer patient with metaplastic carcinoma which mimicked infiltrating ductal carcinoma in the initial pathological diagnosis. She received modified radical mastectomy, adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy to the chest wall and loco-regional lymphatic area. Eight months after radiotherapy, a 3 x 2 cm hard mass over the right upper margin of incision was noted. The pathology revealed metaplastic carcinoma. Sequentially multi-organ metastases to the bones, lung and brain developed. The survival period was only 26 months from the diagnosis of breast cancer. The pathology pictures and literature of metaplastic breast carcinoma were reviewed and discussed.
