  • 期刊


A Rese Arch Into Li Po's Mentality of Serving Yung-wang




李白 永王李璘 玄宗 肅宗 安史之亂 心態 唐代 唐詩


Although the artistic achievements of Li Po's poetry are generally recognized by the later generations, they often incur the denunciation that he lacks the care for this world. In fact, Li Po's concern for the country and the society never subside. All his life he had lofty aspiration to a career in politics and was eager to make memorial contributions to the state. This idea can be traced everywhere in his literary works. However, due to his romantic character, Li Po was excluded by villains who held the power in the government, and his official career was not successful. This brought forth his tragedy. After the Betrayal of An and Shih, Su-tsung ascent the throne in Ling-wu, while, according to the historical records, Yung-wang, Li Lin, was plotting a rebellion but was repressed immediately. Li Po was also found guilty as he was in the service of Yung-wang at that time. This leads to some criticism of Li Po's personality and loyalty, and some defences of Li Po that he was forced by Li Lin to do his bidding. Nevertheless, there are so many controversial views which bear insufficient evidence that it is difficult to decide which is right. It is not easy to do a research into Li Po's mentality of serving Yung-wang, for the records about LI Po’s life are deficient. This text tries to trace the historical facts to make an objective analysis and evaluation on the cause and effect of the rebellion of Li Lin, and to conduct a study mainly on Li Po's literary works to find out Li Po's mentality during the process from serving Yung-wang to being arrested. I hope to combine the study on historical background and on the literary works to make a sympathetic but rational and unbiased criticism of Li Po's service for Yung-wang. From this study, in addition to Li Po's romantic character as a poet, as known by most people, we can further acknowledge his sense of responsibility of serving the state, as found on the most of the traditional literati and officialdom in ancient China. Hence, we can gain a deeper insight into Li Po and his immortal works as well.


