  • 期刊


Left-wing Female Figures under Nationalism and Socialist Revolution: White Horror Series of Chen Ying-Zhen and Lan Bo-Zhou




This article focuses on the left-wing female characters who experienced White Terror in Chen Ying-Zhen and Lan Bo-Zhou's writings. Chen Ying-Zhen and Lan Bo-Zhou created left-wing women characters from their imagination and expectation. Willing to play multiple roles, such as mothers, wives and labors, became the ideal images of these women. This paper first argues that the grand narrative of social classes and nations tended to ignore the subjectivities of women. Secondly, the female subject was often integrated into the class issues. The political concerns always take precedence over gender issues. Thirdly, the left-wing females were often enlightened by male elites. Finally, in Chen Ying-Zhen and Lan Bo-Zhou's writings, the maternal spirits became socialism and revolutionary ideas. This article explores the roles of the left-wing women in the writings of the left-wing male writers and discusses the "unhappy marriage" of national liberation, socialism, and female subjects.


Chen Ying-Zhen Lan Bo-Zhou White Terror left-wing


上野千鶴子著,劉靜貞、洪金珠譯,《父權體制與資本主義:馬克思主義之女性主義》,臺北:時報文化,1997 年。
王文仁,〈從〈幌馬車之歌〉看藍博洲的報導文學創作-兼論臺灣報導文學的幾個文類問題〉,《東華中國文學研究》第 3期,2005 年 6 月。
卡爾.馬克思(Karl Marx)著,中共中央馬克思恩格斯列寧斯大林著作編譯局譯,《資本論》第 1 卷,臺北:聯經,2017 年。
卡爾.馬克思,〈國際工人協會共同章程〉,引自中文馬克思主義文庫網站https://www.marxists.org/chinese/marx/mia-chinese-marx-186609.htm,瀏覽時間:2018 年 8 月 23 日。
卡爾.馬克思,〈憲章派〉,引自中文馬克思主義文庫網站https://www.marxists.org/chinese/marx/mia-chinese-marx-18520802a.htm,瀏覽時間:2018 年 8 月 23 日。
