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時間與他者 後殖民全球化的“當下”

Time and the Other-Notes on Postcolonial-Global "Contemporaneity"


當代全球化研究所帶動的理論空間轉向,已經不容忽視。例如以一些社會科學家爲首的論述中,明確主張要發揮空間知識型,以此避開時間思維取向的歐洲中心主義(因他們以爲,時間思維將自然導致線性時間觀,而線性時間觀乃歐洲史觀的產物)。在這個邏輯下,後殖民論述因爲重視對過去殖民歷史的反思,經常被視爲一種時間思維,換言之,是一種過時的思考。本文將檢視這個命題的得失,進而提出一種關涉「後殖民全球化」情境的時間思維,以其作爲倫理議題的討論平台。文中將討論幾位近年來特別以時間性爲論述重點的理論家:巴巴(Homi K. Bhabha)是最早從時間性切入後殖民性及離散情境關係的論者之一;哈若圖寧(Harry Harootunian)省視當代人文論述往空間思維傾斜之後所產生的盲點;列斐伏爾(Henri Lefebvre)身爲當代新空間理論巨匠,晚年卻有「節奏」之說,從時間性觀點串聯他稍早的關鍵理念,例如「空間生產」、「日常生活」,他同時也是哈若圖寧特別點名參考的理論家,且他所提的「日常生活」概念亦可呼應巴巴曾經提過的類似主張;至於恰夸巴提(Dipesh Chakrabarty)則是提出一種可以參照弱勢論述的後殖民全球化「當下/同時」概念(contemporaneity)。本文討論時間性,除了大膽假設時間是當代倫理思考的有效切入點,亦希望間接觀照若干後殖民全球化研究的相關議題。首先,時間思維可以補強目前流行的「全球/在地」辯證模式,更小心處理諸如宗教、神聖經驗等有關「絕對差異」(radical difference)的問題。其次,時間性思維,亦可回應一些全球化理論提出的「域外消失」的說法,主張時間亦可被視爲某種域外。此外,重新整理後殖民等論述對時間性的思考,亦可將後殖民論述從它們經常被詬病的「對過去歷史執迷不忘」的缺點中釋放出來,因爲更細緻的關於時間性的談法,談的便不再僅限於歷史主義所界定的歷史概念,而是一個更寬闊的時間光譜。


A major strand in the theories of globalization has been advancing the spatialization of theory, arguing that spatial thinking offers a more effective way (than temporal thinking) to undermine Eurocentrism. This paper contests such a proposition by bringing into view the relevance of time and temporality in the context of postcolonial globalization. Drawing on theories of Homi K. Bhabha, Harry Harootunian, Henri Lefebvre, and Dipesh Chakrabarty, I argue that ”temporality” can help us attend to the question of ethics on various fronts. First of all, ”temporality” can provide a valid perspective on issues of ”radical difference” such as spiritual or religious experience. In comparison, the now practically sanctified global-local dyad in theories of globalization, a predominantly spatialized model (”of a globe” vs. ”of a locale”), oftentimes falls short of addressing non-secular experiences. Secondly, in response to the popular view that the ”outside” has disappeared in the age of globalization, I suggest that ”temporality” can in effect serve as an outside intervening in the seemingly totalizing logic of globalization. Thirdly, a consideration of temporality can also help further postcolonial theory by broadening its discussions beyond the parameters of ”history,” as the concept of temporality encompasses more than just history or historicity.


Bhabha, Homi K.(1994).The Location of Culture.London:Routledge.
Chakrabarty, Dipesh.(2000).Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial Thought and Historical Difference.Princeton:Princeton UP.
Chakrabarty, Dipesh.(2004).Where Is the Now?.Critical Inquiry.30,458-462.
Derrida, Jacques.,Corrected (ed.) (Trans.) Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.(1997).Of Grammatology.Baltimore:Johns Hopkins UP.
Derrida, Jacques.(Trans.)(1967).(De la Grammatologie).


