  • 期刊


On the Individual Subjectivity of Sia Yu's Romance Aesthetics


本文選擇「浪漫主義」美學中的「個人主體性」(individual subjectivity)以為研究的依循,這得歸諸於夏宇身為女性詩人,可台灣詩壇卻很難恰確地為其定位。吾人研究浪漫主義與女性主義的源起與流變,發現隨著時代的演進,浪漫主義精神的個人主體性逐漸形成浪漫美學的重要精髓,而女性主義的發展,從早期專注於性別對抗的議題,走到今日強調以女性的自我認同,以及朝向主體性的建構與實踐,都是有鮮明脈絡可尋。其中屬於個人主體性的哲學思維,可卻是研究浪漫主義的起源與演變不可忽視的範疇。而女性主義所強調的精神意涵中,個人主體性的追求亦是自我認同的重要關鍵。人既為主體,可以創造自我,但人也是客體,受到外界種種因素所制約。因此不管怎麼說,吾人如欲較深入理解主體的建構,都得有較縝密的心理分析和文化研究的支援,才能較瞭解人們是如何建構自我和主體,也才更能深入理解人又是如何在主體的建構與客體的限制中找到生存的平衡。詩人以詩歌來追尋生存的意義,而身為詩人的夏宇,又是如何藉助書寫來表達其在探索個人主體性過程中的種種掙扎。本章的動機與目的,即試圖從浪漫美學的主體性切入,探討其作品中所呈現的個人主體性問題。


浪漫特質 主體性 女性書寫


This study selects ”individual subjectivity” from Romanticism as the topic of discussion. It is due to the fact that Sia Yu is a female poet, and her position especially difficult to define in the categories of poetry in Taiwan.In the discussion on the origin and developments of romanticism and feminism, we discover that individual subjectivity has gradually become the essence of romanticism through the times evolved, and feminism has derived vividly from its focus on sexual conflicts to the modern emphasis on self-realization, and cultivation of subjectivity. The philosophy of individual subjectivity is not to be overlooked in the study of Romanticism origin and development, and its pursuit is also the core of the self realization that modern feminism emphasizes.Human is subject in that we are free to create, but is also object in that we are frequently obstructed by exterior factors. Thus, if we thrive to understand the cultivation of subjectivity, we require the assistance of meticulous psychological analysis and cultural research to gain insight to how ego and subjectivity comes into place and how humans reach equilibrium between the creation of subjectivity and obstruction of objectivity. The author pursues the meaning of life through poetry. As a poet, how does Sia Yu express her struggles in exploration of individual subjectivity through words? The purpose of this research is to see through the perspective of subjectivity in romantic aesthetics to explore issues regarding individual subjectivity in her works.


Barker, Chris、羅世宏譯(2004)。文化研究理論與實踐。台北:五南。
