  • 期刊


The Educational Revelations of Historical Thinking and Total History: An Example of the Coures "The Confluent History of Modern China and the West"


本文由「歷史思考」和「整體歷史」的觀點審思當前大學歷史教學的問題,並以「中西歷史之匯合」課程為例,說明該觀點應用在課程設計的理念和實踐。本文以為當前歷史教育問題的癥結應在於歷史教與學雙方主體的失落,折損提昇人文教養和文化傳承創新的教育目標。因此,重建歷史教師專業自主的意識和學生的人格主體,確立提昇學生歷史意識作用、強化其歷史思考的能力等目標,或可為對治之道。 此其中,整體歷史豐富的歷史概念以及重視人與歷史互動的原則,有助於教學者以更寬廣的視野和行動改變教學的窠臼。例如:狄爾泰「整體的人」的觀念,點出了人存在於世之歷史性和社會性的本質,開發了以同理心、再創造和再體驗的歷史教學觀,幫助學習者以「行動人」的身份實踐其文化生活。 年鑑學派的整體歷史觀,對歷史教學的最大意義在於:它把歷史的時、空、意識、時段、面向、結構、意義….等等,一樣樣地全打開了,展現了有分別而沒有阻隔的歷史場域,供教學者選擇各種通道和面向,以各式方法進入學習。揭示了歷史教育的通故創新、實踐主體意志、與現實生活結合、多元面向、終身學習的價值與願景。此外,其「提問----回答」的歷史方法,也啟示了實踐教學主體的有效途徑。 「中西歷史之匯合」課程即基於上述理念而設計,期能在歷史思考和整體史觀的啟示下,提出不同時段和結構的課程架構,以充份演練學生的歷史意識為策略,俾開拓其學習領域和視野,勇於創造和表現,以突顯學習者的主體價值。


From the perspectives of ”historical thinking” and ”total history”, this article reflects on the current problems in history education in Taiwan, an education which has done damage to the human spirit and our cultural inheritance. The article then goes on to explain the rationale and methodology of an applied teaching project that aims to promote students' historical consciousness and historical thinking through the curriculum ”The Confluent History of Modern China and the West”. The perspective of total history, with its emphasis on historical trends and its principle of interaction between humans and history, can be helpful in casting off the stereotypes of the old teaching methods and replacing them with a broader vision and more effective activities. For example, Dilthy's concept of the ”whole human” focuses on the historicity and sociality of human existence in this world, from which ideas of empathy, recreation, and re-experience in history education have been developed to guide students to live their cultural lives as historical actors. Also significant for history education is the concept of ”total history” as interpreted by the Annal Schools; here history is classified in many different ways, such as according to time, space, consciousness, duration, dimensions, structures, and meanings. This approach has offered multiple dimensions and paths to the teaching and learning of history and has promoted the idea that history education should be creative, practical, and multidimensional. It should also become a part of our daily lives and subject to our life-long learning. Moreover, its problem-solving methodology has been shown to be of use both to teachers and to learners. The curriculum of ”The Confluent History of Modern China and the West” has been developed basically in accordance with the ideas presented above. It presents the different eras and structures of history while guiding students to develop their historical consciousness in order to broaden their learning and vision.


