  • 期刊


Physical Education Ideology of Yan,fu


嚴復的體育思想,基於甲午戰敗的危機意識,加以受到達爾文的進化論和斯賓塞的社會達爾文主義的薰陶,形成了嚴復體育思想的主要淵源。 嚴復體育思想的特質,乃建立於「國富民強」的目的之上,主張「體育救國」,期能達「自強保種」的目標,這種「自強保種」的思想,含有「強種強國論」、「強化體質論」和「優生保健論」三個層面。 嚴復的體育思想,爲中國近代體育思想的先驅,形成清末民初軍國民敎育體育思想的重要淵源,激發了體育意識的抬頭,使體育得以納入學校敎育的一環;也因此,使體育淪爲工具化傾向,造成體育人本化的本質,受到發展上的限制。


嚴復 體育思想


Yan,fu's physical education ideology was based on the crisis consciousness toward the failure of the battle between Japan & China(1895), and being effected byC. Darwin's (1809-1882). Eugenics theory & H.Spencer's (1820-1903). Social Darwinism, which forms the main origion of Yan,fu's physical education ideology. The special quality of Yan,fu's physical education ideology was based on the goal ”To make one's country rich & build up its military power”,& advocates ”To save the country through physical education”, and to achieve the expected goal of ”self-improvement & eugenics”. The ideology of ”Self-improvement & eugenics” has consisted of three levels; ”Theory of Healthy Race & Powerful Nation”, ”Theory of Strengthening Physique”, & ”Theory of Eugenics”. Yan,fu's physical education ideology is the pioneer in Recent China, and also forms the important origion of military and civil physical education ideology in late Chin Dynasty & early Democratic period; which also arises physical education consciousness, and enables physical education being set as formal class of school education system; & therefore, physical education was gradually regarded as a ”tool”, and resulted in limited development of the essence of physical education humanism.


Yan fu Physical Education Ideology

