  • 期刊


The Meanings of Chi-Training in Chinese Martial Arts: Body-Mind as One and Enlightening Mind to Reach the Nature


中國武術除技擊之外,也被世人視為具有藝術、養生與修心的功能。中國武術強調練氣,以氣為武術的鍛練主體。「氣」一詞在不同領域中不同的定義,造成「練氣」一詞多樣化的意義。對練氣的不同觀念導致中國武術家對中國武術練的意義與目的的不同解釋,也產生了武術多樣化的功法與功能。而氣作為形與神之間介質的特性,更使中國武術具有修練至形神合一之境的功能之特質。因此釐清中國武術練氣的意義,有助於理解為何中國武術具有多樣化功能的特質。 透過文獻之分析與歸納,對中國武術練氣的意義,有以下幾點說明: (一)中國武術中所練之氣有氣血(血與氣)、氣力(肌力)、神氣(意念)與浩然之氣(心性)之分。 (二)中國武術練氣有練氣與養氣之分。練氣所練之氣為氣血、氣力與神氣,養氣所練之氣為浩然正氣。 (三)透過中國武術的鍛鍊,練氣的目的是使意念與肉體之間彼此有絕對的溝通與控制能力,接著整合形、神,希望達到形神合一之境。而養氣的目的是本著「物物一太極、物物一陰陽」與「格物致知」的哲學觀點,以達到「明心見性」之境。


中國武術 練氣 形神合一 明心見性


‘Chi’ and ‘chi-training’ are specially emphasized in Chinese martial arts. Chi has different definitions in different areas that makes chi-training has multi-meanings. The different concepts of chi-training make Chinese martial artists have different explanations to the meanings and purposes of Chinese martial arts' training. It makes Chinese martial arts have multi-devices and functions. The character of chi as the media of body and mind makes Chinese martial arts have the feature of reaching 'body-mind as one' and 'enlightening mind to reach the nature', Therefore, distinguishing the meaning of chi-training will help to understand why Chinese martial arts have the characteristic of multi-functions. Through the research of documents, the following illustrations are found: 1. Chi-training in Chinese martial arts is distinguished into chi-training and chi-cultivating. 2. The meaning of chi-training is making mind and body have the absolutely ability to communicate and control each other and integrating body and mind to reach the state of 'body-mind as one'. The meaning of chi-cultivating is to reach the state of 'enlightening mind to reach the nature' based on the philosophical concepts of 'investigating things to reach the greatest knowledge' and 'everything is an tai-chi, everything has a yin and a yang'.


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