  • 期刊


The Effect of Anaerobic Threshold and Attention Limited on Psychomotor Performance of Amateur Boxers


The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of attention limited and exercise intensity on the psychomotor performance of amateur boxers. The participants was 32 college boxers, age: 20.5 ± 1.6, height: 170 ± 6.5cm, weight: 64.4 ± 9.1kg, who volunteered to participate in the experiment. All the participants were accepted following test: (1) The dual task procedure for main task on attention limited and secondary task on choice reaction time, (CRT). (2) The punching accuracy test under different exercise intensity. Before the experiment, four boxer were tested for pilot study on the replicatebility of anaerobic threshold (r=0.992, α <.05). Method: during the experiment, the attention limited of main task was based on the complexity of the blow which punched to the different dimension of the target. A Secondary task on CRT was used to probe the attention demanding of the main task. In the other hand, the special designed color pen was worn on the fist to test the punching accuracy. The basic assumption of the study was: (l) Under different extent of attention limited, the more complex punches the main task was: the slower CRT of the secondary task. (2) There are no interactions between CRT and exercise intensities. (3) There is a negative correlation between exercise intensity and punching accuracy. All the data was analyzed by one-way ANOVA and two-way ANOVA. The result of the study as follows: (1) when the attention limited of the main task was increased, the secondary CRT task increased (F=6.85, P<.05; F=3.84, P<.O5, F=7.92, P<.05). and: (2) There are no interactions between attention limited and exercise intensity. (3) There are significant difference of punching accuracy on three exercise intensity (Jab (AE): F= 5.89, P<.05; Straight (AE): F=15.57, P<.05). Conclusion: 1. Non-practiced punching complexity seems to limited the allocation of attention resources. 2. In some extend, the anaerobic threshold would not interfere the information processing capacity of the athletes, but might be interrupting the spatial accuracy and stability of the motor control of limbs, this is possibly due to the fatigue of peripheral effectors.


The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of attention limited and exercise intensity on the psychomotor performance of amateur boxers. The participants was 32 college boxers, age: 20.5 ± 1.6, height: 170 ± 6.5cm, weight: 64.4 ± 9.1kg, who volunteered to participate in the experiment. All the participants were accepted following test: (1) The dual task procedure for main task on attention limited and secondary task on choice reaction time, (CRT). (2) The punching accuracy test under different exercise intensity. Before the experiment, four boxer were tested for pilot study on the replicatebility of anaerobic threshold (r=0.992, α <.05). Method: during the experiment, the attention limited of main task was based on the complexity of the blow which punched to the different dimension of the target. A Secondary task on CRT was used to probe the attention demanding of the main task. In the other hand, the special designed color pen was worn on the fist to test the punching accuracy. The basic assumption of the study was: (l) Under different extent of attention limited, the more complex punches the main task was: the slower CRT of the secondary task. (2) There are no interactions between CRT and exercise intensities. (3) There is a negative correlation between exercise intensity and punching accuracy. All the data was analyzed by one-way ANOVA and two-way ANOVA. The result of the study as follows: (1) when the attention limited of the main task was increased, the secondary CRT task increased (F=6.85, P<.05; F=3.84, P<.O5, F=7.92, P<.05). and: (2) There are no interactions between attention limited and exercise intensity. (3) There are significant difference of punching accuracy on three exercise intensity (Jab (AE): F= 5.89, P<.05; Straight (AE): F=15.57, P<.05). Conclusion: 1. Non-practiced punching complexity seems to limited the allocation of attention resources. 2. In some extend, the anaerobic threshold would not interfere the information processing capacity of the athletes, but might be interrupting the spatial accuracy and stability of the motor control of limbs, this is possibly due to the fatigue of peripheral effectors.


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李坤州(2009)。不同競速溜冰項目血乳酸與心跳率 特性探討〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6833/CJCU.2009.00077
