  • 期刊


The Influence of Cooperative Learning on Gymnastics Learning Performance


目的:本研究目的為探討合作學習與傳統教學法在體操教學效能之差異。方法:兩組學習體操參與者分別接受8週合作學習與傳統教學介入,採用單因子共變數分析(One-way analysis of covariance,ANCOVA)檢定在技能表現、學習動機與班級氣氛之差異,顯著水準定為α=.05。結果:一、合作學習組技能表現顯著優於傳統教學組。二、合作學習組學生在「學習動機」之「喜歡」、「投入」、「勝任」以及「總分」表現上顯著優於傳統教學組學生。三、合作學習組在「班級氣氛」之「同儕支持」、「滿意度」、「內聚力」分量表及「總分」的表現上顯著優於傳統教學組,但在「教師支持」分量表上,合作學習組與傳統教學組未達顯著差異。結論:合作學習法可顯著提升體操教學效能,教練或教師可以多加應用於教學設計。


Gymnastic sport is suitable for Asia people because it doesn't need tall and strong body. The traditional teaching (TT) which was just consisted of demonstration and practice make most of students fear to attend the gymnastic class. The cooperate learning (CL) which was adopted the team work may be considered an effective way to improve the situation. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences between the TT and CL on the skill performance, learning motivation and the atmosphere of class. Methods: Sixty-three elementary school students served as the subjects for this study (TT=31, CL=32). The motor skill test for gymnastic and the questionnaire of learning motivation and atmosphere of class were used to exam the differences between the TT and CL before and after 8-week intervention. The selected variables were tested by one-way ANCOVA (α=.05). Results: 1. The results indicated that the motor skill performance of CL was better significantly than that of TT. 2. The learning motivation of CL including like, dedication and competence was higher significantly than that of TT. 3. The atmosphere of class of CL including peer support, satisfaction and group cohesion was higher significantly than that of TT, but the item of teacher support wasn't achieve difference significantly. Conclusions: The study found out that the teaching with cooperating learning can improve the skill performance, learning motivation and the atmosphere of class. The teachers of physical education or coach of gymnastic sport can apply the way of teaching on the gymnastic class and make students view the gymnastic class as the favorite class.


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