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Effects of far-infrared radiation on the recovery of maximal eccentric exercise-impaired proprioception markers in the hamstrings


緒論:一般人從事不熟悉的離心運動(EC)後,容易誘發延遲性肌肉酸痛(DOMS),進而造成本體感覺功能失調,影響人體在執行各項日常生活的動作與運動表現長達5至10天之久。遠紅外線(FIR)具有非侵入性、實施容易且可照射進入人體深層組織的優點。然而,FIR對下肢腿後腱肌群本體感覺功能失調的恢復效果為何,目前文獻尚不清楚。目的:探討成年女子以某一側腿後腱肌群(KF)進行離心運動誘發明顯DOMS,引起本體感覺功能失調期間,給予FIR對本體感覺功能失調的恢復效果之影響。方法:召募一群健康成年女子做為研究對象(21±1歲),並以隨機分派分成:遠紅外線照射組(FIR)及偽遠紅外線照射組(SH)(n=9/組)。所有參與者統一以非慣用側KF進行一回合10組x10回合最大等速(30°/s)EC,並在EC前及EC後第0.5、24、48、72、96、120小時,各分別接受DOMS、位置覺(PS)(KF彎曲30°、45°及60°:PS30-PS60)及力量覺(FM)(30%前測肌力)測驗;FIR及SH在EC後第1、25、49及73小時,分別各接受1次30分鐘FIR或偽照射;測得結果以二因子混合設計變異數及皮爾遜積差相關進行分析。結果:FIR和SH在EC後第0.5小時的所有依變項,引起相同程度的反應(p>.05);但FIR在EC後,接受連續四天FIR處理後,其所有依變項產生的反應(如:DOMS峰值:15mm、PS45誤差峰值:-8%、FM誤差峰值:-26%)卻明顯(p<.05)小於SH的反應(48mm, -15%, -37%)。DOMS峰值與PS30-PS60和FM峰值之間,具有相關(r=.708-.908;p<.05)。結論:這些結果顯示,對人體最容易發生肌肉拉傷KF,在EC誘發DOMS時,給予FIR處理具有加速本體感覺失調恢復的效果。


Introduction: Participation in unfamiliar eccentric exercise (EC) can induce delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), leading to impaired proprioception and affecting daily activities and sports performance for 5-10 days. Far-infrared radiation (FIR) is a non-invasive, easily implemented method for irradiating deep tissues in the human body. However, the effects of FIR on the recovery of impaired proprioception in the hamstrings remain unclear. Purpose: To investigate the effects of FIR on impaired proprioception recovery following maximal EC of the knee flexors (KF) in adult women. Methods: Healthy, sedentary adult women (21 ± 1 years) were recruited and randomly assigned into FIR and placebo groups (SH) (n = 9 per group). All participants performed 10 sets of 10 maximal isokinetic (30°/s) eccentric contractions in their non-dominant KFs. DOMS; position sense at knee flexion angles of 30°, 45°, and 60° (PS30-PS60); and force sense targeting 30% of pre-exercise maximal isometric contraction torque (MVC) were measured before and 0.5, 24, 48, 72, 96, and 120 hours after EC. The FIR and SH groups received daily 30-min FIR and pseudo-FIR (sham) treatments, respectively, which were applied to the KF 1, 25, 49, and 73 hours after EC. All results were analyzed by two-way analysis of variance and Pearson’s product-movement coefficient correlation. Results: Similar magnitudes of change (p > .05) were observed for all dependent variables 0.5 hours after EC in both the FIR and SH groups. The observed changes in all dependent variables (peak DOMS: 15 mm, peak PS45 error: -8%, peak FM error: -26%) were significantly smaller (p < .05) following four FIR treatments within three consecutive days after EC than following four sham treatments (48 mm, -15%, -37%). A significant correlation was observed between peak DOMS and peak changes in PS30-PS60 and FM (r =.708-.908; p < .05). Conclusion: These results show that FIR treatment accelerated recovery of impaired proprioception after EC-induced DOMS in the KF, which are prone to strain.


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