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The effect of Kinesio Taping on ankle range of motion, athletic performance, and Gastrocnemius muscle activity of walking and running: To quantify the stretched length of the Kinesio Taping



Introduction: Kinesio tape (KT) is one of the taping methods that are commonly used in the sports and rehabilitation fields. KT techniques are still in the process of development. The application of KT can stretch various lengths depending on the taping purpose and user's experience. The KT inventor did not explain why there are different KT stretched length and different stretch tensions according to different KT applied purpose. Whether these different stretching tensions or length of KT affect muscle function is not known. In addition, this requires experience and practice to be able to stretch the tape specified length or tension. However, previous studies have only described stretched lengths without providing relevant methods for quantifying stretched lengths. Hence, the study aimed to quantify the stretched length of Kinesio Tape via comparing the gastrocnemius electromyography (EMG), ankle range of motion (ROM), and athletic performance in healthy athletes during walking and running. Methods: Thirty-six healthy athletes were randomly assigned into three groups: 0% (N=13), 10% (N=11), and 20% (N=12) stretched length of KT applied. The KT was applied on bilateral Gastrocnemius muscles of those participates. The root mean square (RMS) values of gastrocnemius muscle electromyographic activation during walking and running, active ankle ROM, and the vertical jumping heights and agility T-test times were assessed and analyzed. Pre-post intervention differences in ankle active plantar, dorsiflexion ROM, and athletic performance (vertical jumping and agility running) at three taping stretched lengths (0%, 10%, and 20%) were examined using mix-designed repeated measures 2-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results: The results were found no interactions were observed between the groups or the stretched length of KT on ankle ROM and athletic performance. Gastrocnemius muscle activation exhibited a lower signal when 10% stretched length (the ratios of EMG signals: 0.87 ± 0.11) applied than 0% (the ratios of EMG signals: 0.99 ± 0.11) or 20% (the ratios of EMG signals: 1.03 ± 0.16) stretched length applied during the stance phase of walking (F_((2,33)) = 4.884, p = .01), suggesting that 10% stretched length assists the gastrocnemius muscle in being less active while walking, but not in running. Conclusion: It can be concluded that incorporating adequate stretching stretched length to KT reduces muscle recruitment.


緒論:肌內效貼紮(Kinesio tape, KT)是運動和復健領域常用的一種貼紮方法,肌內效貼紮方法至今仍處於技術開發過程,肌內效貼紮的應用可以根據貼紮目的和使用者的經驗去拉伸貼布的彈性及長度。然而,過去的研究只說明拉伸長度,而沒有提供量化拉伸長度的相關方法。除此之外,初學者也難以控制肌內效貼紮的拉伸長度或彈性張力,因為這需要經驗和練習才能將貼布控制到所需的長度或張力。因此,本研究之目的是比較健康運動員在踝關節活動度、運動表現、及在走路與跑步之站立期的腓腸肌肌電活化情形,來量化肌內效貼紮在不同拉伸長度下之效應。方法:徵召36名健康運動員,並隨機分為三組進行肌內效貼紮,肌內效貼紮貼於受試者兩腳之腓腸肌上,肌內效貼布的拉伸長度分別量化為:拉伸長度0%(N = 13)、10%(N = 11)、和20%(N = 12)的張力。並在貼紮前後測量步行和跑步動作之站立期腓腸肌肌電活化的均方根值(RMS)、踝關節活動度(背屈與蹠屈)、及運動表現(垂直跳躍高度和T字型敏捷性測試)。以重複量數混合設計之二因子變異數分析比較腓腸肌肌電活化均方根值、踝關節活動度、及運動表現。結果:結果發現,組間或KT的不同拉伸長度對踝關節活動度及運動表現沒有相互作用。在走路之站立期,在KT拉伸長度0%(肌電活化比率:0.99 ± 0.11)或20%(肌電活化比率:0.99 ±0.11)拉伸長度相比,當拉伸長度10%時腓腸肌肌電活化量較低(肌電活化比率:1.03 ±0.16)(F_((2,33)) = 4.884, p = .01),這表明KT的拉伸長度10%可減少腓腸肌肌電的活化,但在跑步時則無顯著差異。結論:在進行肌內效貼紮時,適當的肌內效貼布拉伸長度可減少腓腸肌肌肉的徵召。


彈性貼布 肌電圖 功能表現 腳踝


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