  • 期刊


Effects of Fibular Kinesio Taping and Athletic Taping on Basic Motor Performance of the Ankle Joint


背景與目的:肌內效貼紮是一種針對肌肉功能的貼紮方法,但缺少對於運動表現的科學驗證研究,因此本研究之目的是比較運動貼紮與腓骨肌群肌內效貼紮對於健康運動員之踝關節蹠屈及背屈活動度、腳踝蹠屈肌力及肌耐力、垂直跳、與動態平衡之影響。方法:本研究共29位受試者參與實驗,受試者隨機分派為控制組(N = 9)、運動貼紮組(N = 12)、及腓骨肌群肌內效貼紮組(N = 8)。測試的項目包括主動踝關節背屈與蹠屈活動度、垂直跳、腳踝蹠屈肌力及肌耐力、動態平衡測試。統計分析以單因子變異數分析比較不同貼紮方式貼紮前後差別對踝關節運動功能表現之差異。結果:在運動表現測試中,只有在腳踝蹠屈角度中有顯著差異,其中肌內效貼紮後腳踝蹠屈角度明顯增加,然而運動貼紮後蹠屈角度減少(p = .03),其餘結果並未有明顯差異。結論:腓骨肌群肌內效貼紮可改善健康運動員之踝關節蹠屈關節活動度。


Background and Purpose: Kinesio taping is a new taping method, but the lack of scientific validation for athletic performance, therefore the purpose of this study was to compare sports taping with the fibular muscles Kinesio taping for healthy athletes in the range of motion of the ankle joint, ankle plantar flexor force and muscular endurance, vertical jump, and dynamic balance. Methods: In this study, a total of 29 subjects participating in the experiment, subjects were randomly assigned to the control group (N = 9), sports taping group (N = 12), and the fibular Kinesio taping group (N = 8). The measured variables included active ankle dorsiflexion and plantar flexion range of motion (ROM), vertical jump, ankle plantar flexor force and muscular endurance, dynamic balance test. The one-way ANOVA was used to compare the differences of three groups in ankle ROM, ankle plantar flexor force and muscular endurance, vertical jump, and dynamic balance. Results: The results were found that only ankle plantar flexion ROM had significantly differences while fibular Kinesio taping group comparing with sports taping group. The ankle plantar flexion ROM increased significantly in fibular Kinesio taping group, however, sports taping group reduced plantar flexion ROM (p = .03), the rest of the results and no significant difference. Conclusion: Fibular Kinesio taping for healthy athletes could improve ankle plantar flexion ROM.




Chang, H. Y., Hsueh, Y. H., Chang, Y. C., Huang, T. H., & Liu, T. H. (2022). The effect of Kinesio Taping on ankle range of motion, athletic performance, and Gastrocnemius muscle activity of walking and running: To quantify the stretched length of the Kinesio Taping. 體育學報, 55(2), 133-147. https://doi.org/10.6222/pej.202206_55(2).0002
