  • 期刊


The foam rolling intervention in warm-up activities to improve jump and strength performance




滾筒按摩 熱身 立即效應 跳躍 肌力


The purpose of this review was to discuss the immediate effect of foam rolling on jump and strength performance and to explore its practical feasibility. Fifteen articles were retrieved from the PubMed database. This review did not determine whether foam rolling improves subsequent jump and strength performance. This review indicates that some factors may have contributed to the inconsistent findings, including the backgrounds of the subjects, experimental design, muscle receiving the massage, duration of the massage, massage force, repetition frequency, recovery time, method used to examine the performance, and exercise that was combined with foam rolling. This review suggests that further research is needed to identify the aforementioned factors involved in foam rolling research affect performance.


foam rolling warm-up immediate effect jump strength


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