  • 期刊


Mechanism and benefits of cross-education effect


人類胚胎發育過程中,皮膚神經肌肉等系統一直是以左右對稱的方式發展;衍生自外胚層的神經系統,左右兩側的分支異構同工亦相互支援,使得所支配之肌肉產生交叉教育效應(cross-education effect, CEe),產生對側肌群的訓練轉移效應;然而如何將過往用於復健過程中發現之效應應用於運動訓練或矯治運動,雖有成功案例卻仍屬少數。研究顯示CEe產生的機轉可能透過神經肌肉控制、皮質運動能力調控以及細胞因子調控層次,探究其影響因素,除了人口背景之外,訓練介入的差異,包括收縮模式、訓練處方、訓練強度等,均產生程度不一之影響。目前研究證據顯示若要取得CEe最大效益,採取較高強度的多關節運動為宜,例如高強度之離心收縮訓練;同時若加入肌肉電刺激能誘發更佳的肌肉及神經刺激效果。未來此一效應是否可應用於運動傷害的癒後復健並合併輔具介入訓練,值得進一步探討。


From the beginning of human fetal development, the skin and the neuromuscular system develop symmetrically. The branches and transduce pathways of the peripheral nerves of the ectodermal nervous system cross at the higher central nervous system and are mutually supportive such that innervated muscles have a cross-education effect (CEe); that is, training may be transferred to contralateral muscles. The CEe technique was proposed by rehabilitation therapists in sports training or corrective exercises programs. However, few researchers have successfully applied these techniques. CEe may be mediated by neuromuscular control, cortical motor ability regulation mechanisms, or cytokine-level regulation mechanisms. The subject background, training intensity, training prescriptions, and training patterns might be the important factors for the benefits of CEe program. Recent evidence has indicated that CEe primarily occurs during higher intensity training or multi-joint movements, including high-intensity eccentric contraction training. Electrical muscle stimulation interventions during resistance training substantially increase CEe. Further studies are needed to clarify the effects of CEe combined with the assistive devise during the post-injury rehabilitation.


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