  • 期刊


A review on muscles and strength training of the upper extremity that can improve stability of archery shooting




This review gave an overview of upper limb muscle activity carried out by electromyography during archery shooting and related it to specific muscle training in archery. Nineteen papers related to analyses of muscle activity of the upper limbs using electromyography during archery shooting were selected from journal data base between January 1990 to March 2020. Previous studies had clearly specified on the balance of strength between musculus flexor digitorum superficialis and extensor muscle of finger of bow arm that is able to increase the stability of the riser. The biceps brachii, deltoid muscle, middle trapezius, and lower trapezius of draw arm are involved in the process of bow drawing to get a stable shooting posture for aiming, and keep the isometric contraction of muscles until releasing the arrow. The review demonstrated that using correct muscles during shooting can improve the stability and sport performance, and added knowledge on strength and conditioning training for specific archery shooting.


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