  • 期刊


Construction and Experimentation for Multi-Scenario Mobile Fire Simulator


本研究主要目的為建置一套移動式的火災燃燒室模擬器,並進行實際火場的燃燒測試。本論文介紹本研究團隊所自行研發完成的貨櫃型式(外型為40呎、高8呎半)可移動式火災模擬器之硬體結構、安全控制系統、及監視系統之設計與製作,並進行多重情境的燃燒測試。 實驗部份係針對五種情境進行熱輻射通量量測,分別為兩側延燒、方形油槽燃燒、天花板延燒、方形油槽與天花板延燒、方形油槽與天花板延燒暨兩側延燒(閃燃),利用最危害狀況(worst case)之輻射熱通量,做為展示教育訓練時觀看安全距離之依據。此研究平台的完成,除可提供業界及防災機構訓練模擬機使用,亦可提供予國內相關學術研究機構火場模擬分析之實驗平台,同時也可移動式的提供火災情境模擬巡迴教育展示之用,對於國內防災體系之教育訓練與研究,具有重大價值。


The main work of this project is to establish a fire combustion chamber as a simulator and conduct an actual simulation of the scene of a fire. The major contribution of this work is to set up a hardware for structural design and fabrication of a fire simulator, the supervisory system for the fire simulator, and a real-time fire scenario experiments. The simulator is a cabinet pattern type (42ft×8-1/2ft size) mobile fire simulator. The experimental part carries on the radiation heat flux measurement for five firing scenarios. The fire scenarios consist of the both-side spreads; the square shape fuel tank combustion; the ceiling spreads; the square shape fuel tank and the ceiling spreads; the square fuel tank and the ceiling spreads up to the both sides spreads (flashover). By means of the worst case for the radiation heat flux measurement, the safety distance for the observers can be determined while in using such a fire simulator for demonstration or training purposes. However, the fire simulator investigated in this research owns the potential to be developed into commercial products. It not only provides training for fire disaster relief personnel, but also can provide the scene of a fire situation data to give the academic in using of the research.
