  • 期刊

Job Satisfactions, Depression, and Anxiety amongst Senior Police Officers in Central Taiwan



背景及目的:警察是台灣公務員當中,自殺率最高的一個族群。工作滿意度、社會支持與心理健康有正向的相關性;但警察工作的工時長、輪班不規則可能不利於工作滿意度及建立社交網絡。本研究旨在瞭解台灣中部地區資深警察的工作滿意度、憂鬱與焦慮的情形;並探討憂鬱及焦慮的相關預測因子,尤其著重在社會支持對於憂鬱及焦慮的影響。 方法:針對2004年到某醫學中心參加健康檢查專案的警察人員進行問卷調查,共收集145份有效問卷。資料以t檢定及複迴歸進行分析。 結果:資深警察的整體工作滿意度介於「不確定」和「一點滿意」之間。對工作感到最滿意的三個向度分別為工作夥伴、待遇及直屬上司;最不滿意的三個向度則為晉升的機會、工作時間及工作量。15.2%的資深警察人員有憂鬱的情緒;8.4%的資深警察有焦慮的傾向。複迴歸分析顯示,自覺好朋友多以及對直屬上司的滿意度高的警察人員有較低的憂鬱分數。此外,自覺好朋友多的警察人員也有較低的焦慮分數。 結論:對於資深警察人員而言,整體工作滿意度並不高,有關人員應設法進一步提升警察對自身工作的正向知覺。來自朋友的社會支持與心理健康有顯著關係,為警察人員量身設計及執行員工協助方案以增進其人際關係,對於警察人員的心理健康應有所助益。


Background and aims: Amongst all public servants in Taiwan, police officers are one of the highest risk groups to commit suicide. Job satisfaction and social support are positively associated with mental health. Working as a police officer means working long shifts, leading to irregular days off that might be harmful to job satisfaction and social support. This study aimed 1) to survey the level of job satisfaction, depression, and anxiety and 2) to investigate the predictors for depression and anxiety amongst senior police officers in central Taiwan. Methods: Senior police officers that voluntarily joined a health screening program at one medical center were surveyed; a total number of 145 participants were obtained. Data were analyzed by t-tests and multiple regressions. Results: The mean overall job satisfaction was scored between ”unsure” and ”a little satisfied”. The three most satisfied aspects of work were fellow workers, payroll, and immediate bosses; the three least satisfied aspects were chance of promotion, hours of work, and amount of responsibility given. There was 15.2% of the participants in depressive mood, and 8.4% had an anxious disposition. Regression analysis showed that self-perception of having more close friends and high satisfaction with immediate bosses were associated with lower depression scores. Self-perception of having fewer close friends was associated with higher anxiety scores. Conclusion: The overall job satisfaction of senior police officers had room for improvement, and strategies should be adopted to enhance positive perception of their job. The quantity of social support from friends was negatively correlated with levels of depression and anxiety. It would be worthwhile to develop Employee Assistant Programs, which are designed specifically to assist police officers to enhance social skills and build social networks.


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