  • 期刊


Cognition and Correlations of Karoshi among Different Categories of Civil Servants in Taiwan


目的:本研究目的在探討與比較一般公務員、基層員警及教師等不同性質公教人員對過勞死的認知、職業壓力、健康生活型態與自覺疲勞感。 方法:採群集取樣,抽取台北市8間區公所、4所警局及10所國中全體人員共2997人為樣本,進行問卷調查得有效樣本2393名,回收率80%。 結果:有近七成的人覺得過勞死是可怕的,且會越來越多,但僅有四成知道如何減少風險,而知道過勞死發生前徵狀者僅不到三成,警察認為過勞死會發生在自己身上的比例顯著高於其他兩者,但對於過勞死的恐懼感與預防認知顯著較差。職業壓力方面,對於工作量、行政措施及福利政策等層面,約六成的公教人員感到相當困擾。在生活型態方面,有四分之三的人不運動,半數的人經常超時工作、睡眠不到6小時。經常感到疲勞的徵狀以眼睛疲勞、肌肉酸痛、不專心會做錯及記憶力衰退之比率較高。而警察與區公所人員、教師之比較下,有顯著較大的職業壓力、較差的生活型態、較高的疲勞感。過勞認知、職業壓力、生活型態與自覺疲勞感各變項間皆有顯著相關性。 結論:研究對象普遍對過勞死的徵狀及預防認知不足,尤其是警察人員有較高的職業壓力、疲勞及不健康生活型態,建議衛生單位應加強預防過勞死的宣導,建立自我疲勞感檢測制度。


Objective: This study was designed to investigate and compare recognition of karoshi, job stress, life style, and perceived fatigue among different categories of civil servants, including government workers in district office, police officers, and junior high school teachers. Method: In this study, cluster sampling included 8 district offices, 4 police stations, and 10 junior high schools. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect 2393 effective samples. Result: Nearly 1/4 subjects believed that they might suffer from overwork, and 70% thought that karoshi was more terrible in future. But, only 40% of them knew how to reduce risks of karoshi; less than 30% of them understood early symptoms. 60% of subjects worried about job loading, administration system, and employee welfare; 75% of them had no regular exercise, and half of them often work over-time and slept for less than six hours. These subjects usually had dry eyes, muscle aches and pains, making mistakes with inattention, and poor memory. Compared to the other samples, policemen had higher job stress, less healthy life style, and more fatigue. There were significant correlations among recognition of karoshi, job stress, life style, and perceived fatigue. Conclusion: This study found that civil servants had inadequate knowledge of early signs and prevention of karoshi. Policemen especially had higher disease perception, job stress, fatigue, and unhealthy life style. Therefore, it is suggested that health departments should strengthen to prevent karoshi and establish self-assessment system of fatigue for employees.


Civil servant Karoshi Job stress Life style Fatigue


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