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The Distribution of Side-Chamber Tombs in the Western Zhou Period and Its Meaning: A Study Centered at the Zhangjiapo Cemetery




"Side-chamber tombs" refer to the tomb structure in which a main burial chamber is attached to the side of a deep shaft. It was popular in areas where a combination of agriculture and pastoralism was practiced and is considered the shared mortuary practice in the steppe area. In the pre-Zhou period, side-chamber tombs appeared in the western Guanzhong Basin and the Jing River valley. In Western Zhou, they moved to the Settlement of Feng, located in the eastern Guanzhong Basin. The distribution of side-chamber tombs shows that the population sharing this practice was related to the Zhou people. The side-chamber tombs discovered in the Zhangjiapo cemetery exhibit the Western Zhou state's characteristic of having multiple ethnic groups coexist and cooperate. Moreover, they broaden our understanding of how Zhou people and barbarians from the West cooperated during the Western Zhou period.


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