  • 期刊

The Functional Recovery of a Guillotine-Type Amputation of Arm after Replantation-A Case Report



我們提出一例斷頭式上臂截肢,重植三年後的功能恢復。一位31歲男性,右手上臂中段於工作時意外被電鋸鋸斷,其斷肢在4小時20分鐘後回復血液供給。2年後其手部內在肌肉的回復卻很少,病人於上臂重植兩年三個月後接受肌腱轉移手術,用以回復對掌功能及矯正瓜形手畸形。並於八個月後再次手術,將姆指肌腱拉力方向予以改變。 病人的肘關節活動度為150度,腕關節為140度,姆指的總關節活動度為100度,其他手指的總關節活動度為170至260度。病人手部回復保護性感覺,滿意的功能及外觀。以Tamai功能評估表評估,重接斷肢達到65分,以Chen's criteria評估達到第二至第三級功能恢復。 在合適的情形下,上臂截肢應盡量嘗試重植,同時可再加做其他手術來改善手部功能。




We reported the functional recovery of an amputated arm 3 years after replantation. A 31-year-old male sustained a guillotine-type amputation of his right arm at the mid-humeral level during working. Replantation procedures were undertaken smoothly and the circulation of amputee restored within 4 hours and 20 minutes of total ischemia. The recovery of intrinsic muscles was minimal through two years follow-up. To improve finger function, the patient underwent opponensplasty and dynamic intrinsic tenodeses 2 years and 3 months post-operation. Revision opponensplasty was performed 8 months later due to inadequate correction of opposition. The patient regained 150° range of motion on the elbow and 140° on the wrist. The total active movement of the thumb was 100°. The total active movement of other fingers was from 170° to 260°. The patient regained a successfully replanted arm, which was sensate and functional with a satisfactory appearance. The replanted limb achieved good result with 65 Tamai score, which corresponded to grade Ⅱ-Ⅲ functional result as classified by the Chen's criteria. Arm replantation under ideal situation should be attempted. The inadequate functional recovery of the hand can be further improved with secondary procedures.
