  • 期刊


Exhibition Narrative in Taiwan's Historical Memorial Museums: A Preliminary Investigation of "The Body," Commemoration, and History


歷史紀念館向訪客傳達紀念對象-受難者的生命經驗,這些受難者的身體及心靈,曾經長期遭受傷害的生命歷程的敘述,帶給我們什麼樣的歷史知識,或感知人類在極端處境的感同身受? 本文首先討論ICOM的國際委員會之一的ICMEMO,以及ICMEMO 所指涉的近代歷史紀念館的發展及其特質。接着,藉由法國凱布朗利(Quai Branly)博物館「人類學展覽-什麼是身體」特展的啟發,初步提問、探討臺灣戰後史中受害者的身體與政治的文化關係。借助檔案及口述歷史,書寫二二八事件及白色恐怖歷史的身體反抗、處置以及它的文化意義,從被壓迫者的身體、他者的身體、自由者的身體等受害者身體的不同時空切面,反思臺灣歷史紀念館作為社會詮釋與溝通的文化機構,紀念館應該正視受害者身體境遇的文化關係。 本文研究發現:一、我們對百年來經歷現代化的「臺灣身體」的了解,是陌生的,尤其是二次戰後,被統治者視為「他者」的二二八、白色恐怖抵抗者的身體遭遇,我們目前對其理解有限,而理解抵抗者身體有助於理解臺灣八○年代晚期民主化的動能基礎;二、展示身體是紀念館的文化「再現」表徵,文化跟隨着身體而展現;歷史紀念館應該積極扮演「身體與自由思想」的文化探索角色,紀念館設立「文化研究」部門,會是詮釋紀念館展示及活動的重要途徑。


身體 紀念館 展示敘述 二二八 白色恐怖 ICMEMO


A historical memorial museum presents to its visitors the victims' life experiences in the course of history. What historical knowledge can we derive from these narratives of long-term suffering that emerged from the body and soul of the victims? How much can we empathize with our fellow human beings who went through such extreme situations? This article discusses the International Committee of Memorial Museums in Remembrance of the Victims of Public Crimes (ICMEMO), one of the ICOM committees, and the development and characteristics of the memorial museums in question. Inspired by the ”Anthropological Exhibit-What Is the Human Body?” a special exhibition held by the Musée du Quai Branly in France, this article attempts a preliminary investigation into the cultural relation between the human body and politics in the context of Taiwan' post-ar history. Aided by archives and oral history, it reflects on the treatment of the body and its cultural significance during the February 28 Incident and the subsequent White Terror. It explores aspects that include ”bodies of the oppressed,” ”bodies of 'the other',” ”bodies of free people,” and ”bodies of victims.” Since the Taiwan Historical Memorial Museum is a cultural organization for social interpretation and communication, it ought to take into regard the cultural framework of the victimized bodies. This article concludes with the following two points. 1.We have very limited knowledge of the modern Taiwanese body, particularly the victims' bodies of the February 28 Incidents' and the White Terror, which the goverment considered ”other.” Understanding the resistors' bodies would help us perceive the force behind the democratic movement of the late 1980s. 2. Exhibition of the body is the memor ial museum's cultural representation. Culture is demonstrated in the body. The historical museum should assume a positive, exploratory role in ”body and free thinking.” An important path to take is to establish a cultural research section that interprets the museum’s exhibitions and activities.


史密斯、Philip Smith、林宗德譯(2008)。文化理論面貌導論。臺北:韋伯文化。


