  • 期刊


Power, Imagination and Representation: The Impact of Photography on Modern Chinese Religious Groups




攝影 趙避塵 虛雲 段正元 道德學社


The appearance of photography in 1839 enabled not only the duplication of the physical world but also new technological forms of recording human memories. In the case of modern China, the introduction of photographic techniques exerted a profound influence on many dimensions of social life, including religion. For many religious groups, the ability to produce large numbers of photographic images that were said to exhibit miraculous powers proved an invaluable tool for spreading their beliefs and practices. Accordingly, since the early years of the Republic of China, famous religious leaders like the Daoist Zhao Bichen 趙避塵used photos to demonstrate the transmission of their teachings. Buddhism also took full advantage of photography as a means of advertising, especially many renowned Buddhist masters. One example involves Xuyun 虛雲, famous for his Chan practice and longevity, who in 1920 dedicated considerable effort creating a photographic chronicle of his life at the Yunxi Monastey (Yunxi si 雲栖寺) in Kunming. Another instance featured Duan Zhengyuan 段正元 of the Moral Studies Society (Daode xueshe 道德學社), who utilized photography to present stages of his life, while also stipulating that believers worship photos of him on the first and fifteenth days of each lunar month or during specific rituals as a means of enhancing their self-cultivation practices. The Society even established its own studio for processing these photographs. Taken as a whole, the evidence presented in this paper reveals that photography played a major role in bringing religious beliefs and practices into a new place in Chinese public life.


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