  • 期刊


Embodiment and Processes of Cultural Economies in Urban Spaces: Theoretical Implications of Comparing Four Cities of Taiwan


文化是空間構成的要素,而空間作為資本累積的場域,則以不同的經濟形式與不同的機制存在。以經濟形式而言,文化在當代是一個充滿機會與變化的經濟形式,本文乃著重於台灣社會習以為常的「文化空間」作為案例研究;以機制形式而言,台灣的都市之間以文化為導向的都市空間(culture-led urban spatialdevelopment)案例,是否在其發軔、歷程、資金、甚至政策企圖等方面有所差異,而呈現新面貌,此乃本文的動機所在。在當代文化經濟(cultural economy)與文化經濟資本主義(cultural economic capitalism)的論述下,本文選定台北市寶藏巖、台中市宮原眼科、台南市神農街、高雄市駁二藝術特區等四個個案為研究地區,討論分析在相近的地理空間尺度下,四個個案如何透過都市的文化與空間政策、運用在地的歷史環境脈絡、發揮在地社區或社群的力量、善用當代社會的(空間)消費主義行為等,產生空間「綜效」結果。在理論基礎上,本文以「文化創意經濟」為切入點,創造在地社會或社區的變遷或更新,以及作為整體都市文化空間經濟發展的空間基礎。文化經濟作為一個都市空間再造或都市更新手段,都市文化創意空間論述的學者(e.g. Florida, Scott, etc.)分別以資本家、小區域/社區、或全球化的壓力等角度,所指出的文化經濟作為空間改造或變遷的力量,是本文重要的理論依據。在研究方法與資料分析上,本文主要包括田野調查、開放式質性訪談以及政策檔案分析三種。基於上述,本文目的主要有三:(一)比較分析四個不同空間尺度個案,其被形塑的都市文化或空間政策為何,以及對於個案發展文化經濟的異同與歷史地理環境脈絡的差異;(二)闡述四個個案的發起與歷程所涉及的社會組織、在地社群或遊客(消費者)的力量與內涵;以及(三)綜合整理台灣都市利用文化經濟作為空間發展的手段與途徑之不同模式與理論意涵。本文概念化台灣大都市利用文化經濟的途徑達成都市空間改造或再生目的,甚至試圖思考「新都市理論」的可能性,作為本文的結論。


The concept of capital circuits indicates that geography is the spatial embodiment of capital. Space, serving as the field of capital accumulation, manifests in different economic forms and various mechanisms. Concerning the economy, cultural activities and industries are filled with opportunities, and they appear as discrepant forms within contemporary times. The focus of this study is to understand whether cultural-led urban spatial development in Taiwan's cities exhibits diversity. Particular focus with be emphasized towards their initiatives, processes, capital, and political policies. Centered on the discourse of cultural economy and capitalism, this study will evaluate four areas: Bao-Zang-Yan in Taipei City, Gong-Yuan Ophthalmology Clinic in Taichung City, Shen-Nong Street cultural block in Tainan City, and Pier-2 Art Center District in Kaohsiung City. As these four areas have a similar spatial scale, this study will analyze and explain how they utilize cultural and spatial policies. Moreover, this study argues that historical context, mobilization of local communities and local consumption create spatial synergy effects for the areas. This study employs the "cultural and creative economy" concept to theoretically understand how the four areas work toward city transformation and urban renewal and how they harness the concept to promote cultural economy. "Cultural economy" is often used to regenerate or renew urban spaces. Scholars such as Harvey and Scott indicate that cultural economy could be the cradle to advance spatial changes although they view the force of cultural economy differently, i.e., from the capitalists, small areas or communities, and pressure towards globalization point of view. The research and analysis methods used for this study were field surveys, unstructured qualitative interviews, and policy-archive analyses. The purposes of this study are as follows: (1) Analyze how urban cultural and spatial policies have brought about a (dis)similar foundation for the cultural economic activities and the historical and environmental contexts of the four areas; (2) Illustrate the initiatives and processes concerning the contextual power of social organizations, local communities, visitors, and consumers in the four areas; and (3) Integrate theoretically Models and Implications by Taiwan four urban spaces where using cultural economies as urban spatial development strategies. In general, this study indicated that cultural economy reshapes the urban spaces and might be the foundation of new urban theory.


