



The purpose of this study were to evaluate the acromicolavicular joint factor eliciting the shoulder pain and limitation of movement. We collected 30cases with suspected the A-C joint lesion disclosed by physical examination from O.P.D of the Rehabilation Dept. V.G.H.-T.C sine Sept. '86 to March. '87. The physical findings were (1) local tenderness at the A-C joint area, (2) painful arc at 150 to 180 degree, (3) limited R. O.M. during horizontal adduction and elicited pain at the end range. The patient recieved intra-articular injection at the A-C joint with kenacort 0.5cc +2% xylocaine 0.5cc for therapeutic diagnosis. The patients whose symptoms subsided within three minutes after injection recieved the special view of the shoulder joint in order to demostrate A-C joint clearly to rule out dislocation, subluxation, R.A,.O.A. TB. and tumors. After disapearance of the physical findings and negative finding of the special X-ray examination was documented we called it A-C joint derangement. The results were (1) in 21out of 30cases symptoms were free after injection (2) in 15 out of 21cases negative finding of X-ray examination was noted. That is, 15 cases were labeled as the A-C joint derangement. The mangement should be focused on the A-C joint and achiefed by hot pad, ultrasound, stretching and mobilization.

