  • 期刊

Coma Reversal and Functional Recovery after Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Rehabilitation in the Subacute Phase of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: A Case Report and Literature Review




高壓氧療法能有效地減少一氧化碳中毒之致病率與死亡率。急性期在立即使用高壓氧後有助於神經生理功能之恢復。 高壓氧能有效地縮短一氧化碳血紅素之半衰期,增加組織對殘餘一氧化碳之廓清,以及減少神經心理方面之障礙。 對於一氧化碳中毒亞急性期的患者,高壓氧療法仍有其卓越的效果,在本病例報告中,一位13歲女孩,因嚴重一氧化碳中毒而深度昏迷,1個月後,她接受2段療程的高壓氧治療;10個月後,其意識逐漸改善,但仍舊無法說話。經過4週密集的復健治療後,她開始能夠說話,且其日常生活能力達到部份的獨立自主性。由此病例得知,即使是亞急性一氧化碳中毒的患者,在接受高壓氧與積極的復健治療後,其功能仍能獲得相當明顯的改善。


Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) effectively decreases the morbidity and mortality of carbon monoxide poisoning . Immediate HBO treatment is indicated as it yields a more rapid and greater neuropsychological recovery. HBO significantly decreases the half life of carboxy hemoglobin (COHb) and increases the tissue clearance of residual carbon monoxide, thus decreasing the neuropsychological deficit. HBO enhances the outcome even in the subacute phase of CO poisoning as in this case. A thirteen year old girl was admitted to our hospital in a deep coma after severe CO poisoning from gas leakage and was referred for HBO treatment one month after carbon monoxide poisoning. She was administered and received the second course of HBO 8 months later . Ten months after carbon monoxide poisoning, she regained consciousness but remained mute. After four weeks of rehabilitation she started talking. Her speech was coherent and relevant. However, her thought content was childish and superficial. She became partially independent in daily activities. Based on this case study, we highly recommend HBO therapy and intensive rehabilitation in the management of an acute and subacute CO poisoning patient with serious neurological sequelae.
