  • 期刊


An Investigation of Communication Attitudes, Quality of Communication, and Locus of Control in Stutterers and Non-stutterers


口吃者除了口語的不流暢之外,也可能伴隨適應和社交的困難,所以口吃不只是一種言語障礙,也是一種溝通障礙。本研究的目的在探討說中文的口吃者在溝通態度、溝通品質及內外控取向的表現。本研究包括31位口吃成人及31位配對的非口吃者。口吃者有25男6女,年齡為26.8歲(SD=7.0)(範圍18-47歲),學歷是14.2年(SD=2.6)(範圍9-18年)。非口吃者亦為25男6女,年齡為28.5歲(SD=8.7)(範圍18-48歲),學歷是14.2年(SD=2.4)(範圍9-19年)。所有受試者皆接受溝通態度量表(Modified Erickson Scale of Communication Attitudes,簡稱為S-24)、溝通品質量表(Quality of Communication Scale)和內外控量表(Internal-External Control Scale)的施測。統計方法是採用T檢定和獨立樣本多因子多變量變異數分析。結果是口吃者與非口吃者在溝通態度和溝通品質上都有顯著性差異,但是在內外控取向上沒有顯著差異。此結果意味著口吃組有較負面的溝通態度和較不滿意的溝通品質。


口吃 溝通態度


Adults with stuttering are not only disfluent in speech, but also have problems in social adjustment and social interactions. That is, stuttering is a speech disorder, as well as a communication disorder. This study was aimed to examine the communication attitudes, the quality of communications, and the locus of control in adults with stuttering. Twenty-five males and six females, aged between 18 and 47 (mean 26.8) participated as the stutter-group in the study. Another group of twenty-five males and six females, aged between 18 and 48, participated as the non-stutter group. All of the participants were administered with Modified Erickson Scale of Communication Attitudes (S-24), Quality of Communication Scale and Internal-External Control Scale. The collected data was analyzed with t test and individual multiple-way MANOVA. The results indicated that the two groups differed significantly in communication attitudes and quality of communication, but not in locus of control. In other words, the stutterer groups exhibited negative communication attitudes and less satisfactory quality of communication.


stuttering communication attitude
