  • 期刊


The Research and Development of Foot Pressure Testing Piece


本研究的目的在於研發行進間鞋墊式的足底壓力測試片,使它具有價格便宜,操作簡易且快速,可用目視直接判讀足底壓力的功能。並用以改善目前足壓量測設備因太貴且操作不便,只被應用於實驗室的精密研究,而無法大量應用於測試足部輔具如鞋墊或托足板的足底壓力評估。 本實驗所使用的測試片爲TPE-PS吸震材料,經由材料測試發現具有下列3項特色:(1)可完全貼合腳底輪廓,柔軟且不傷足部,(2)易於壓縮歪變且變形後即永久定形,(3)受力過載時材料不會破損,且不會有剝落的情形。搭配使用創新設計的「複合式模組」,藉由行走時足底的荷重而於測試片表面產生類似蓋印章的效果,使測試片表面或底面產生類似足印法所產生的不同壓力圖形與色階。 實驗方法首先進行「複合式模組」的設計,經由步態實驗找出測試片的最佳使用條件,並觀察分析出測試片的造型圖案顯現與壓力分段。接著藉由「攜帶式避震反彈測試儀」做落下實驗,以建立「足底壓力測試片」造型符號顯現與足底壓力大小的量化基礎。 實驗結果證實本測試片搭配造型網布與黏扣帶的模組,體重介於30~90公斤的個案,行走250步即可於測試片表面與底面產生類似足印法所產生的不同壓力圖形與色階。本「足底壓力測試片」可具有下面幾項功能與功能:(1)成本低,免維修,(2)操作簡易,可直接由目視判讀出測試片受力所產生的五段壓力造型符號,(3)測試與分析的時間短,可快速建立足底壓力的參數,(4)可用來評估鞋墊對足底壓力的效益。


The purpose of this study was to design an insole-style testing piece for a quick and easy dynamic foot pressure test. Current commercial foot pressure systems are costly and complicated to operate. These systems are not suitable for extensive evaluations of patient's foot or orthoses, either. The material used in this research is TPE-PS shock absorption foam. This foam has three special features: (1) excellent surface contact with foot contour, soft textures that do not irritate the foot, (2) creates permanent foot pressure imprints after brief walking, (3) the foam material does not crack or break under excessive foot pressure. When being assembled within the specially designed module for dynamic foot pressure testing, the test foam pieces exhibit the stamping effect from the foot pressure. The resulting foam pieces could show similar foot pressure distributions as compared to those from the ”print mat method”. The gait evaluation (foot pressure test) was designed to optimize the effectiveness of the foam within the module. This provided the best resulting foot pressure patterns for analysis and creation of a foot pressure distribution diagram. A correlation study between the data collected from a drop-weight test and pressure patterns on the foam was also conducted in order to quantify the pressure exerted on the foam. Data from the conducted experiments showed that the specially designed foam testing piece has the following advantages: (1) low cost-of-material and zero maintenance, (2) easy and quick operation, (3) test results can be read immediately by visual inspection, (4) the foam can also be used to evaluate the foot pressure distribution of custom insoles as a follow up service for patients.
