  • 期刊


Early Intervention for a Baby with Syndactyly: A Case Report




併指 早期 介入復健


Syndactyly is the most common congenital malformation of the limbs. Syndactyly refers to the clinical appearance of fingers or toes that have not undergone the normal process of separation and can be classified as simple, complex, complete or incomplete according to clinical severity and involvement. Clinically, syndactyly has primarily been treated with surgery. However, few studies have investigated relevant postsurgical rehabilitation interventions. This study reported a case involving an infant with severe syndactyly. After surgery, the infant received early rehabilitation intervention. We provided health education to caregivers to instruct them scar treatment on the hands, joint range of motion exercise, designed appropriate splint positioning, and skills to induce movement development. In addition, the caregivers were listed as members of a treatment team for the child. Because of the joint effort of the treatment team, the case experienced reduced postsurgical complications and improved development of delicate hand movements. This paper presents the rehabilitation intervention content and functional progression of the case as well as a relevant literature review and discussion. The results can serve as a reference for clinical medical staff.


syndactyly early intervention rehabilitation


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廖晏翎、何秀玉、趙櫻花、鍾依婷、温雅玲(2024)。一位Schaaf-Yang Syndrome罕病新生兒及其照顧者的護理經驗彰化護理31(1),95-110。https://doi.org/10.6647/CN.202403_31(1).0009
