  • 期刊


Effect of Aerobic Dance Training in Adults with Prader-Willi Syndrome: A Pilot study


先前研究初步證實有氧舞蹈訓練可改善體適能表現;然而,卻少有文獻將有氧舞蹈運用在成人普瑞德威利氏症候群的患者身上。為了改善此療法在臨床上可行性與服從性,本研究主要是選取成人普瑞德威利氏症候群患者接受有氧舞蹈訓練,來探討其體適能之表現。本研究採配對控制試驗之設計(match control trial),共選取十二位普瑞德威利氏症候群成人患者(六位男性、六位女性)。實驗組的每位受試者均接受八週的有氧舞蹈介入(一週兩次、一次兩個小時)。訓練前後均進行體適能評估。評估內容包括:1.身體質量指數(Body Mass Index, BMI)、2.腰臀圍比(Waist Hip Ratio, WHR)、3.立定跳遠、4.一分鐘仰臥起坐、5.坐姿體前彎、6.三分鐘登階(心肺耐力指數)。以SPSS 18.0版(SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL)的統計軟體進行統計分析。使用無母數Wilcoxon Signed Ranked test,檢測不同個案的介入後、及一個月後追蹤的差異性,並採雙尾檢定(two tailed test),顯著水準訂p < 0.05。結果顯示受試者特徵皆無顯著差異。經過八週的有氧舞蹈訓練介入對於成年普瑞德威利氏症候群患者的瞬間爆發力、柔軟度、心肺耐力均有顯著改善;而統計分析結果顯示肌耐力雖有改善,但無達到顯著意義,可能原因除了個案數較少、另外肌耐力也相對需要較長期的訓練。未來也可以探討體適能的表現提升後,其動作功能與品質是否也能隨之提升。成人普瑞德威利氏症候群患者經接受有氧舞蹈訓練,藉由音樂的節奏與律動,來提升普瑞德威利症候群患者的興趣及參與度,是一項不錯的選擇,進而改善體適能表現及運動的習慣。


Objective: Aerobic Dance Training has beneficial effects in improving physical fitness. However, there were few studies validating the physical fitness effectiveness of Aerobic Dance Training in Prader-Willi Syndrome patients (PWS). This study aims to investigate the effects of Aerobic Dance Training in PWS adults, by using integrated clinical measurements of physical fitness. Methods: This is a matched controlled study design. Twelve Prader-Willi Syndrome patients received either Aerobic Dance Training or conventional physiotherapy for 8 weeks (2 times per week for 2 hours each session). Clinical measurements of physical fitness were analyzed before and after the intervention and were followed at 1 month after treatment. Clinical measures included (1) anthropometrics (body mass index、waist-hip ratio), (2) functional muscle strength (standing long jump), (3) flexibility (chair sit and reach test), (4) muscle endurance (one-min sit-up), (5) cardiopulmonary endurance (3 minutes step test). Result: After 8 weeks of intervention, the aerobic dance training PWS group shows significant improvements in the muscle strength, flexibility and cardiopulmonary endurance. However, there was no significant improvement in the muscle endurance. Conclusion: Aerobic Dance Training for individuals with PWS inncreases the motivation and participation of PWS patients which could also be effective in improving physical fitness. Larger sample size with analysis of movement patterns should be included as future research.


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