  • 期刊


Preliminary model of Social Enterprise and Culture Experience Design


社會企業(social enterprise)是以立意良善的營運模式,試圖解決社會問題的創新概念引起了認同。觀察近年觀光產業興起,先前研究指出開發在地文化行程有助於分散大量遊客、提升旅遊品質外,更能透過旅遊景點之開發,重新認識自己的土地和文化。其中,老街是具有豐富文化遺產的旅遊場域,臺灣老街的發展與演變是與其所在的地理環境、商業行為和人文活動有絕大的關係,但現今對於老街景點的開發,常常僅考慮旅遊便利性和商業效益等經濟面向,所造成的問題包含(1)老街遭受破壞而導致文化流失;(2)青年對在地文化認同感式微。基於此,本研究探討如何用文化體驗設計之概念,讓青年與在地文化有效連結,達到凝聚社區、傳達地方文化特色、提高青年對自身文化認同感。其研究方法採行動研究之質性研究方式,選擇「臺南信義老街」為行動場域,並建立「巷由心生文化工作坊」之社會企業營運團隊,舉辦兩場文化體驗活動,分別為「來去巷ㄚ內駁挪」、「文化走讀」。由於信義街位於臺南舊市區,目前尚保有獨特社區氛圍與老街文化,且近年陸續有青年進駐進行街區改造,具備老街文化保存與文化創新之內涵。研究結果得到一個符合社會企業理念之「初步創新老街人文服務策略之營運架構」,希冀此能做為未來相關社會企業營運模式之參考。


The concept of social enterprises has gained popularity in recent years. Social enterprises apply commercial strategies to the alleviation of social maladies. There exists scope for this concept in the amelioration of problems associated with the rapid increase in tourism, which range from overcrowding at tourist sites and surrounding areas to weak communication between the tourism industry and local populations. Previous research has affirmed the benefits of arranging cultural tours around the island. These benefits include distributing tourists more evenly throughout the country to reduce crowding, improving tourists’ travel experience, and encouraging local people to value the history and culture of their hometowns. Old streets in particular are a big draw for cultural tourists. Unfortunately, Taiwan's old streets have been developed with only economic gain in mind. This has led to several problems, including (1) the devastation of old streets and loss of cultural heritage, as well as (2) a weakening of young people’s identification with their local culture. Opportunities to reduce some of the negative impacts of globalization are not being maximized. In view of this, this study applies commercial strategies to the development of tourist products and services in old streets with the aim of empowering local populations and preserving cultural heritage. Specifically, the research hopes to improve community cohesion, promote local cultural features, and increase the youth’s identification with their hometowns. This is achieved through action research of qualitative methodology. Located in a historic district in Tainan City, "Xinyi Old Street" maintains a unique atmosphere and old-street culture. It has also succeeded in attracting the younger generation to work on urban transformation projects. It serves as a shining example of old-street preservation and cultural innovation. A team of social enterprise, "Street of Life Studio", was established. They held two activities of cultural experience in here. The research then presents a preliminary model for a social enterprise on innovative strategies and operational framework for old-street cultural services. This paper serves as reference for the future development of social enterprises aimed at cultural preservation.


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