  • 期刊


Why Workers don't join Cooperatives? Comparative Advantage of Labor Cooperatives: From the Perspective of Labor




The concepts of the research come from the deterioration of labor market flexibility, expansion of atypical employment and the increasing prevalence of low-wage jobs. However, labor cooperatives which emphasize on decent work and self-reliance economic are never the first choice of labors. By the internal agents from the organization, the practice of the organization and the comparative advantage of members and employee, this research used the secondary literature and semi-structured interviews to analyze the gap between theory and real practice from the perspective of labors, and also explain why labors are collectively not willing to participate in labor cooperatives. The research has found that, there are many factors that affect the operations of labor cooperatives, for example, intensive-labor market positioning, mismatching of labor skills market demand. Members under the system of labor laws and social insurance must pay a higher opportunity cost than their employers, and this will hinder the wills of labor to enter labor cooperatives and increase the difficulties for the cooperatives to recruit new members. Some of the cooperatives use the compromise strategies such as relaxation of members' responsibilities and optional participation, however, these strategies would generate various member types like full-time members, sponsor members and part-time members. Through the diversified needs and participations from the members, these strategies lead to the separation of ownership and control, freeriding, and deterioration of labor cooperatives. The fact that a large number of labor cooperatives exit from the market or become pseudo-cooperatives, has made them invisible in the society, which further blocking labor participations, and fall into a vicious circle. As a result, researchers have put forward the policy concept called "rebuilding the cooperative ecosystem", with the hope of eliminating the obstacles for labor participations, and promote the reentering of labor cooperatives into the market. The goal is to build up a system that put decent work and socio economy into practice.


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