  • 期刊


Double Edged Sword: Exploring the Role of Psychological Ownership in Social Business Development


在變動急遽的經濟環境下,資本家為求企業生存與利潤,以市場價值主導資源運用與人才管理。企業以營運成果為首要目標,將人才視為生財工具,造成勞資之間的互動緊張,也使得新世代的勞動力對工作意義產生新的思考。以社會理念與經濟活動為創業雙重目的的社會型企業(Social Business),不以股東的最大利益為唯一目標,而是關注第三對象的福祉,在資源有限、存亡不明的情形下如何吸引人才加入?這些人才受到社會議題的吸引後,如何形成包括:認同、責任、效能與歸屬的心理擁有感(Psychological Ownership)?心理擁有感是否會因為組織的發展階段而產生變化?其如何影響員工的工作產出?是為本研究探討的重點。本研究以紮根研究基礎,理論抽樣三個創業目的與理念相近的社會型企業為個案,以敘說探究(Narrative Inquiry),訪談個案公司內部員工收集在創業孵化期的相關資料後,再依訊息內容描述的現象進行編碼,依事件及現象發生時間,分別歸入嘗試商業模式的萌芽階段、組織目的與個人目的謀合的對焦階段與建制管理制度的加速階段,探討社會型企業員工心理擁有感形成的過程及不同發展階段心理擁有感的演化。


Under a fast-shifting economy environment, for survivals and profits, corporations manage their human resources in line with maximizing the market values, forming an interact ion tension between employers and employees resulted in the new generation of workforce to rethink the meaning of work. Social Business, which is built on both social purpose and business activity, focuses on the well -being of the third-party organizations. Social Business does not put profits as first priority. Under the reality of limited resources and survival issue in the competitive environment, these Social Business still attract talents to join with passion and enthusiasm for social mission. How does Psychological Ownership, including identification, responsibility, efficacy and belonging emerge will be the main focus of this study. This study is based on Grounded Theory, using three social enterprises with similar entrepreneurial backgrounds and social mission concepts but in different business development stages as researching cases. Firstly, through the Narrative Inquiry method, the research inter viewed case companies' employees to collect the narrative contents, and then coded the relevant data into the Emergent period, the Alignment period and the Growth period to explore the process of how the Psychological Ownership as formed in a social business.


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