  • 期刊


A Study of Constructing Optometrist Code of Conduct in Taiwan




Since the professional ethics of optometrists in Taiwan has not yet been established, this study used Delphi method and Analytic Hierarchy Process to collect and analyze data for constructing optometrist code of conduct in Taiwan. Through reviewing related literatures and interviewing practitioners and academic scholars to establish the structure of codes. Two rounds of Delphi questionnaire surveys were conducted by a focus group of 16 experts to evaluate the adequacy of codes. The Analytic Hierarchy Process was employed to calculate weights of the codes by questionnaire of 20 optometrists. The results showed that the codes were organized into four categories, namely, professional behavior, working with patients, working with other practitioners, general provisions. Finally, through a reliable and valid tool of evaluating, the optometrist code of conduct was presented by 20 items. This study concludes with a discussion of the theoretical and practical implications of findings.


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