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Does Gamification Work? Examining Tourist's Gamified Experience at Recreation Agriculture Areas




The purpose of this study is to understand how a tourist's gamified experience influences their intention to revisit recreation agriculture areas, and word of mouth by flow experience. A total of 411 valid questionnaires were collected from two recreation agriculture areas, including "Humanistic Art Experience Type" Shuangtan in Miaoli County and "Ecological Farming Experience Type" Taomi in Nantou County. The results show that a tourist's gamified experience has a positive effect on flow experience, among which mastery plays the most important role in the gamified experience, followed by fun, autonomy, relatedness, narratives, and competence. In addition, flow experience has a positive effect on tourists' revisit intention and word of mouth. Flow experience is also an important mediator. Finally, how a tourist's gamified experience leads to managerial implications and suggestions for future researches are also discussed.


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