  • 期刊


The Blue and the Green - The Political Ideologies of the Mass Public in the 2000 Taiwan Presidential Election


民意或大衆政治態度的研究,不少主題聚焦於選民投票行爲的意識型態詮釋。本文使用2000年台灣總統選舉的調查資料,試圖分析「泛藍」與「泛綠」在意識型態上的分野,包括「藍軍」、「綠營」的選民熟不熟悉「左派」、「右派」意識型態用詞?意識型態的政治思考是不是具有內在連貫一致?使不使用「左派-右派」政治光譜表示他們對政黨、議題的評價以及候選人投票偏好選擇? 本文發現接近半數的受訪者知道並使用「左派」、「右派」的意識型態用語,「藍軍」、「綠營」選民也有明顯不同意識型態的政治思考方式。選民的意識型態他們的政黨偏好、議題立場,也是投標抉擇的因素之一。在選民投票行爲研究中,選民的意識型態或將與政黨取向、議題立場、候選人評價等因素,分庭抗禮,並在政黨投票模型、議題投票模型及候選人取向模型之外,或許要開始關注「意識型態投票」的模型。


In the study of public opinion and mass political attitudes, there are many research subjects which focus on the study of the nature of mass political ideology and the ideological interpretation of voting choice. In this paper, we use the survey data of Taiwan Presidential Election in 2000, to explore the ideological differences between the Blue and the Green. We want to know whether or not the Taiwan's electorate holds political ideologies? Is there a logical coherence or consistency in the mass attitudes toward issues? And, do the electors vote ideologically? By Left-right self-placement, this study finds that there are 48.37% responses who hold political ideologies and think of political affairs in term of Left-right political spectrum. There are obvious ideological differences between the Blue and the Green. More importantly, voters' political ideologies not only affect their party preference and issue position, but are also a factor in voting decision. Therefore, except for the party voting model, the candidate-oriented voting model, and the issue voting model, we perhaps should pay attention to the ideological voting model, too.


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