  • 期刊


XML-Based Document Management for Customer Responses in E-Commerce



在消費者導向的年代,顧客關係管理的議題使得企業開始省思如何利用各種管道來抓住客戶的心,尤其對於從事電子商務的企業而言,客戶滿意更是直接影響企業的生存。而客戶的意見,不論是建議或抱怨,多少都潛藏著客戶對企業的看法,以及對產品市場需求的反應,因此要掌握這樣的資訊,除了必須做到客戶意見的文件管理,所使用的文件管理系統也必須能夠從這些文件中找出顧客知識。本研究的目的是在電子商務環境下建構一個以XML為基礎的顧客回應文件管理系統,針對網頁上所得到的客戶回應文件進行文件管理,特別是針對企業內部對文件管理的做法,以XML作為主要的文件標準,以達到對文件多重回覆及多重屬性的附加。因此,對於一份同時屬於“服務”及“技術”的客戶意見,可以使用節點的形式將其屬性資訊附加於文件上,在進行文件分類或查詢時,也可使用不同的屬性組合進行查詢。本研究之文件管理系統後端則以Native XML Database做為文件儲存庫,其主要優點為支擾XML文件的直接輸入及輸出。這種作法,除了有效管理對於顧客的回應外,從顧客端所收集的資訊也可依不同的目的找出所需的類別資訊,統合並分析這些資訊,從其中找出具建議性資料,以做為企業將來產品改良、創新或服務改進的指標。


In this age, issues about customer relationship management make enterprises start to think about the way to know what their customers want. Especially for Electronic Commerce, customer satisfaction directly influences the subsistence of the enterprises. On the other hand, opinions of consumers, no matter complaints or suggestions, disclose customers' feelings about the company and some information about the market demands. Therefore, to get such information, the document management system for customer responses should not only be constructed but also support the extraction of customer knowledge. Our study is focused on the problems about how to construct an XML-based document management system for customer responses in E-Commerce. We propose to use XML as the major standard of documents to form the web sites of enterprises and gather all the documents of customer responses, including suggestions and complaints. When enterprises reply to Customers, using the properties of XML, they could attach related information to the documents and store the documents to the XML database. By using this methodology, enterprises could not only manage customer responses but also classify the documents for different purposes. Moreover, analyzing the information and extracting useful knowledge from the documents will help improve products and services and guide the direction of enterprises.


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XML and Database


