  • 學位論文


A General Portal System for Building and Managing Various Domain Data Based on XML Configurations

指導教授 : 林宣華


隨著資訊科技的發達和網際網路 (the Internet or the Web) 的普及,網際網路上的異質資源整合變成重要的技術和研究。 人們被科學性質資料、醫學性質資料、統計學性質資料、金融性質資料與行銷學性質資料氾濫給淹沒。這些資料不僅藉由各式的資料型態呈現,如WORD、試算表、網頁型態等;且藉由不同資訊系統呈現在網際網路中。使用者要存取各種網際網路資源時,必須透過搜尋引擎和入口網站的瀏覽,經過長時間和無數的點選 (clicks),才能取得某特定領域 (specific domain) 的資訊,和現有的資訊整合。在本研究中,我們提供一個入口網站整合特定領域異質資源,並由各種資的特性,以XML設定檔 (XML configurations) 加以標記分類。就現有資訊系統,也提供輸出介面程式,以轉出資訊整合到入口網站。藉此,我們完成系統平台,讓使用者可以透過網路上擷取不同資源,以有效整合成為各領域的入口網站。


XML XSL XSLT 入口網站 異質資訊整合 資訊擷取


With the invention of Internet, the explosive growth of the World Wide Web (the Web) makes the problem of heterogeneous information integration become an important application and research topic. People are deluged by data—scientific data, medical data, demographic data, financial data, and marketing data, those data not only be presented by all kinds of data type, likes word, excel, html pages, etc., but also be displayed by various Internet information systems. Through searching and browsing on search engines and portal systems, people attempt to find relevant information and integragte the information with existed information systems for collection specific domain data. The process is tedious and time-consuming through click, click and click. In this thesis, we develop a portal platform as the solution to integrate various information resources for specific domain. Based on properties of resources, XML configratuions are designed to categorize and present these resources. We also implement interface program modules for exporting resources from information systems. Based on this portal platform, users can efficiently integrate variouse Web resources into a specific domain portal.


[1] Berkeley Digital Library SunSITE, “SGML:Stabdard Generalize Markup Language,” http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/SGML/.
[2] Davis, G.B. and Olson, “Management Information System:Conceptual Foundations, Structure and Development, 2nd ed.,“ McGraw-Hill, 1985
[3] W3C, http://www.w3.org/
[4] W3C CSS, “Cascading Style Sheets (CSS),“ http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/.
[5] W3C HTML, “HyperText Markup Language (HTML),“ http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/.
