  • 期刊


A Study of Establishing the Venture Capital Evaluating Mechanism for Cultural Creative Industries: The Public-Private Partnership Case in Taiwan


2012年因「文化創意產業發展法」完成立法建制,政策的確立,是使文化創意產業得以蓬勃發展關鍵的一年,開啟了政府與民間資金共同投資的模式(Public-Private Partnership, PPP),驅動臺灣文化創意快速走向市場化與產業化。在政府、民間投資者與創意工作者之間,如欲達成創意產出、資金到位以及市場開拓之落實,以達成政策推動產業發展目標,則需有同時連結經濟利益與社會影響(Social Impact)的雙軌評價創業投資機制;同時,在文化部推動文化創意產業化的過程中,樂觀預估其發展並主張創意經濟將帶來可觀的市場規模以及經濟和社會面上的效益,是否民間投資者或文創工作者與之有一致的想法預期?此其間的觀念落差不容忽視,亦有待更進一步溝通。本研究認為,文創產業若藉由官民合作模式(PPP)建立創業投資評價機制,在此運作之下透過現行創投機制的調整,並引入社會企業的理念,將能促使有形經濟產值與無形文化價值的雙軌提升。


The year of 2012 was a sticking point, that under the circumstance the decree of cultural creative industries of Taiwan was informed, and Ministry of Culture (MOC) also proposed important policies to establish the venture capital of public-private partnership (PPP). With this new model improves Taiwan creative industries toward market and shows their flourishing. In order to accomplish the aim, it illustrates that the evaluation mechanism in operation for cultural creative industries is stressed only on economic profits and is in the state of imbalance then not to achieve the MOC policies implementation. This arouses questions during the process, if the prosperity and its economics benefits are growing as optimistic as MOC expected? Or an investor and a creative producer can have the same evaluation to a subject? That's the important issue that needs to pay more attention and study further. This study focus on the operation of venture capital evaluating mechanism under PPP model in cultural creative industries, is trying to abandon the fixed commercial thinking and adjusting the evaluation system in force, with the concepts of social enterprise which is possible to make invisible cultural values grows as well as tangible economic profits.


中華民國創業投資商業同業公會(2011)。2011 年臺灣創業投資年鑑。文化部。
行政院文化建設委員會(2010)。2009 臺灣文化創意產業發展年報。文化部。
行政院文化建設委員會(2011)。2010 臺灣文化創意產業發展年報。文化部。
行政院文化建設委員會(2012)。2011 臺灣文化創意產業發展年報。文化部。


