  • 期刊


Déjà Vu or Watching without Seeing? A Reexamination of the Advertising Effectiveness of Native Ads




In order to improve the effectiveness of advertising, advertisers embed advertising message in the related content of webpages via native advertisement. Native advertisement emphasizes nature way in visual, and content is highly relative and informative. Therefore, compared to general internet advertising, users have a more positive attitude and evaluation towards native advertisement than general online advertisements. However, it is also possible that the native ads will be ignored because the advertisements are similar to online contents. This study adopted lab experiment to explore the effectiveness of the mobile native advertising and analyze the effects of content consistency on the advertising effectiveness. In addition, the moderating effect of attention inertia is discussed. The results of this study show that: (1) compared with low content consistency advertisements, users have higher attitudes and click-intention toward high content consistency advertisements; (2) in the context of high attention inertia, users have better advertising memory for low content consistency advertisements. According to the results of this study, the practitioners may advertise on mobile native ads in order to enhance readers' advertising attitude and click intention. On the other hand, if the content of mobile webpages is continuous content and it is easy for users to have a high degree of cognitive engagement, it is ineffective to use native ads to attract users’ eyeballs.


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