  • 期刊

教育實務問題的解決與行動研究-以W. Carr的主張為基礎之探究

The Solution of Educational Practical Problems and Action Research



本文旨在闡明實務工作者宜如何從事行動研究,方能適切解決實務上的問題。首先,筆者分析英國學者W. Carr對實務問題的起因與解決之道之主張,因其見解相當值得參考。依Carr之見,實務工作者宜透過「批判的行動研究」解決實務上的問題。據此,筆者評析常識、應用科學與實踐的行動研究之價值與限制,並討論行動研究要弭平的究竟是何種「理論」與「實際」之問的差距。筆者認為若欲適切解決實務上的問題,實務工作者不宜直接援用常識、應用科學與實踐的行動研究;同時,亦不應直接引入某種外在之理論,然後試著透過計畫、行動、觀察與檢討等活動發展能落實該理論之實施方式。較為適切的做法是在透過批判的行動研究解決實務問題的過程中,視需要援用常識、應用科學與實踐取向之方法,並透過審慎的批判、判斷與選擇參酌外在之理論。此點意謂實務工作者需時時反省批判自身所從事的行動研究,並透過實踐智慧之展現選擇有助於問題解決之探究活動。而若能如此,行動研究之進行將展現靈活與彈性之特質,從而適切解決實務上的問題。


The main purpose of this article is to illuminate that how should educational practitioners solve practical problems by action research. First of all, according to W. Carr, ”critical action research” is more appropriate than any other approaches of action research for educational practitioners to solve their practical problems. Based on Carr's theoretical perspective, the author tries to analyze and evaluate the value and limits of ”common-sense”, ”applied science”, and ”practical” action research, and clarify what is the real meaning to bridge the gap between ”theory” and ”practice” by taking advantage of action research. The author thinks that educational practitioners should not apply ”common-sense”, ”applied science”, and ”practical” action research to solve their practical problems directly. Furthermore, outside educational theories are not suggested to be directly considered as the key to the solution of practical problems. In other words, it should not become the start point of action research to implement outside educational theories through the cycle of planning, action, observation, and reflection. However, the author thinks that if necessary, educational practitioners can apply methods of ”common-sense”, ”applied science”, or ”practical” approach in the process of solving their practical problems through critical action research. At the same time, they can apply of outside educational theories by deliberate critique, judgment, and choice. Therefore, if practical problems are to be resolved by educational practitioners properly, they have to reflect the process of their own action research at all times, and select activities that are beneficial to problem solving through the performance of practical wisdom.


