  • 期刊


Reproduction Theoryforthe Influence and Implicationof Taiwan Current Education Reform



由建立學校教育的發展歷史過程中,可以發現對於學校教育進行改革,或者是重建學校能帶來更好的社會願景的假設始終沒有改變。然而,如果改革焦點全部聚焦於學校內部,卻忽略了更大的社會結構問題,則可能僅流於意識型態的口號,動人而不實際。 自一九七○年代起,學校教育成為社會學家關注的焦點。它們重新檢視學校課程內容,以及學校在階層化社會中所扮演的角色。而以再製理論來批判反省學校教育是現今教育社會學中,很重要的研究領域。然而,由於各家所採取觀點與切入角度各有不同,因此使再製理論的發展呈現多元繽紛的現象。 本文試從經濟再製、文化再製及國家霸權再製等三個立場來檢驗詮釋學校在其中所扮演的角色,以瞭解各種的再製過程,並對其作一深入之反省與批判;另也從再製理論的相關實證研究中發現其在我國教育上的現象,期盼因此對教師角色有所啟發,避免學校與教師再淪為優勢階層再製的工具。


Since 1970s, sociologists have concentrated their attention on schooling. School courses and roles in social hierarchy were thus widely studied. As a result, the use of reproduction theory to examine school education has become an important field of study in the sociology of education. However, because different aspects are taken by different schools, the development of reproduction theory has become multi-dimensional. This study examines the role of school and to explore the process of reproduction from three different perspectives: economic reproduction, culture reproduction and state hegemony reproduction. It is hoped that this study can inspire teachers to reflect on the role of school and avoid the possibility for school to fall into the advantage hierarchies as a tool of reproduction.
