  • 期刊


A Case Study on the Managing Strategies upon the Influence of Imported Brand toward the Fashion Market in Taiwan




流行產業 進口品牌 市場 策略


The manufacturing products made by our domestic industries were considered to be the consumer's first choice before Taiwan joining the WTO. However, the opening of international commodities into Taiwan has a great impact on the traditional industries after Taiwan becomes one of the WTO nations on January 1, 2005 'Have the competitive edge is regarded to be the surviving factor.' Commodes of the imported brands are not easy to obtain which are ranked higher than native brands in the minds of Taiwan consumer; therefore, this research which is ranked discusses the issues in the following two aspects. 1. What is the cause of imported brands to market share market in Taiwan? 2. What are the strategies toward imported brands sharing fashion market? By SWOT analysis A case study has been carried out to discover the market management strategies in the imported brands: 1. The consumer demand a fast change, the domestic brand accumulates the assets as well as the brand positioning should follow the transformation, in to the customer demand. 2. Fashion project capability, such as the brand images, the shop display and sales continuing education, is the brands have to attention. 3. Have a good relation with the customer can understands customer's demand.


