  • 期刊


Analysis of the effect of electromagnetic wave absorption of Plain weave fabric composite


銅線/鎳線/鋁線三種金屬線的導電性與導磁性加上平紋織物的類比網路吸收體之結構,於吸收體中加入不導電、不導磁之圓形吸收體PE/PP 管,藉由改變金屬導線線徑、塑膠管徑、碳纖維根數及頻率變因來探討對電磁波吸收值之影響。結果為當線徑1.0mm 時,電磁波易反射,相對吸收效果不好,當線徑0.25mm 時,吸收效果不佳,當線徑0.5mm 時,銅線的導電性最佳,有最佳吸收值34dB,99.9%的吸收率。當PE 管管徑12mm 時,有最佳吸收值34dB,具有99.9%的吸收率。當增加緯向碳纖維根數5 根時,導電性增加,吸收效果也隨之提升,有最佳電磁波吸收效果36dB,99.9%的吸收率。銅線在6~7.5GHz 有最佳吸收頻段,鋁線在5.5~7GHz有最佳吸收頻段。而導磁性質鎳線與碳纖維的結合在4~5.5GHz 有最佳吸收頻段。


This study use of copper / nickel wire / aluminum three conductivity and magnetic permeability coupled with plain wire fabric to absorb analogy network structure, and in the absorber added non-conductive, non-magnetic tube of round absorber PE / PP pipes, by changing the diameter of the metal wire, plastic tube diameter, number of carbon fibers and frequency variations due to discuss the impact on the value of the absorption of electromagnetic waves. As a result of the small chance diameter 1.0mm, easy reflection of electromagnetic waves, the relative absorption ineffective, when diameter 0.25mm, poor absorption effect. When diameter 0.5mm is the size of the diameter of copper, has the best absorption value 34dB, to get 99.9% of the absorption rate. When larger diameter tube 12mm of PE pipe than the PP pipe, has the best absorption value 34dB, with 99.9% of the absorption rate. When increasing the number at carbon fibers 5 of the weft, to increased conductivity, the absorption effects are increasing, have the best electromagnetic wave absorption effect of 36dB, the absorption rate of 99.9% obtained. While the copper / aluminum belong conductive nature, and having a copper wire 6 ~ 7.5GHz optimal absorption band, having aluminum in 5.5 ~ 7GHz optimal absorption band. The magnetic properties of the nickel wire combined with the carbon fibers in 4 ~ 5.5GHz with optimal absorption band.
